More silly tests.

The trouble with OK Cupid is that the tests are almost useful.

Optimists are a dying breed in this day and age. To the optimists, the world is a positive place. Everything is inherently good, and all things will work out in the end. They believe violence will one day be replaced with logic and reason, and that all religions can coexisist peacefully. These are the people who always see the glass half full, and believe that we live in the best possible world.

Famous optimists include: Gottfried Leibniz, William Godwin.

The opposite of Optimism is Skepticism.

Take The What’s Your Philosophy? Test at HelloQuizzy


This is a silly song…. (love Calvin and Hobbes)

Amazing. You are part of the 4.3% of the population that landed in this category.* You know the game and its history well, and you did amazingly well when it came to playing Calvinball strategically.

This suggests that you probably have a natural talent in Calvinball. You have learned that the trick to doing well in Calvinball is not brute strength, but quick wit. With your natural ability you could go far.

You are definitely already talented enough to beat Calvin. A match versus the quick-witted tiger would be close. I’m going to give you the edge, but his superior knowledge of the game might propel him to victory.

* This is a made up number.

Take How good of a Calvinball player are you? at HelloQuizzy


Cross cultural.

Chinese Gardens

Chinese Gardens

Took the boys to the Chinese Gardens on the advice of Tak Hung and his family. The discontinuity between this and the surrounding Scots Victorian town was huge….

One of the issues in raising boys with both Pakeha and Chinese heritage is acknowledging the culture you are NOT from. Families need their history, including all their cultures.

Traipsing around Otago.

falls, the caitlans

falls, the caitlans

Over the next few days I am travelling around local sitesas it is school holidays. Even though one of my sons would happily play runescape 16 hours a day, I’d rather get him outside. At least for some of the time.

Today went to Waihola. Lunch was planned by the lake there. However, it was so windy that the food was being blown off the picnic tables. We drove over the hill to Taieri mouth, then home.