Witness in a time when the state loses moral authority. [Ps 14]

When God restores the fortunes of Zion there will be complaints. For those who want things to follow the narrative, who see al things as equivalent, and say that supporting one nation or lifestyle is intolerant and evil, will be stunned. For they have forgotten that there is a God.
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Malthus, total war, the West.

There are many people banking on the goodwill of the USA, and the West. Even at war. Even in a war to the knife. That we will not do what it takes to win. Now, I am less sure. A New Zealand General ordered Monte Cassino to be flattened,… Read More

Snark warp seven, or hump day.

It is Wednesday. Hump day: the day I do on call.… Read More

Vile linkage.

One of the few pleasures left in this over legislated world is enjoying good prose, particularly when vicious. I blame the PC, who are ably skewered by Jim Goad. Go there. Taki's wants the traffic. While you are there, read Pat Buchanan's discussion of how the two Americas are not even talking to each other -- as the elite preach… Read More