One of the theories of the sexual living hell our society has men and women in is that we train our women not to be wives, but to be Gomer. To sleep around (more unpaid than paid), to be fickle, to be faithless. Those of us who have daughters and…
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When I discuss the mob, I am talking about those who are in the margins: who do not have that much work such people exist.
There are always those between jobs, and in this time, when the progressives have allowed the unions to become guilds and…
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Yesterday I got one of those commentators who was shocked, shocked, shocked by what I was saying. I'm mean, you see, and I did not put much evidence up.
There is a very good bit of satire making the rounds of the blogs at present written by a David Huntworth. It applies directly to the text for today, for it states the delusions of this age in plain English.