You must judge, or you will teach pigs.

Yesterday I got one of those commentators who was shocked, shocked, shocked by what I was saying. I'm mean, you see, and I did not put much evidence up.
Where is it written that homosexuality is the preferred form of love? And where are…
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Arrogance, Shame, Fire (Suzanne Vega)

One of the things that we are being accused of, all to often is that we judge overmuch. That we are in some manner mean, and that we are not allowed to damn the arrogance. That we are all alike, and that we should just be able to get… Read More

What does “do not judge” mean.

I was looking at the paper online today and came across this. The news is local, and to American ears the definition of a weapon would be quaint, but it leads to the passage.
A machete, a mallet and large wooden sticks have been seized from several Dunedin…
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