One of the great risks in this life is that we forget our sin, and our salvation. If we get self-righteous, and are convinced that we are invulnerable to being deceived, or falling, then we will forget that each day we sin. There is a reason Donne…Read More
There is a new tribe who have power. They are the offendi -- the perpetually offended. They bowdlerize comedy (because it is racist). They insist that we do not say what we think. Rod Little described them accurately
I really do not have a nice topical link for this passage. But it links with what I have seen over a few decades of being around the church.
Those churches who deny the gospel die, and those members who stop attending church fall away.
I am afraid that I have been having a bit of a disagreement with the worthy Darwin and Mrs Darwin and my Catholic friends. It relates to me comparing FUS with the Amish. And they are correct -- traditional Catholics are not Amish.
In the…
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