Never go full pussy hat. [Quotage]

This is sarcastic, confrontational, accurate and very, very funny. It applies even more to New Zealand. We still live in peace in a nation that has not descended into a multicultural soup, despite governmental policy. And for that we should always be grateful.

The elite feel they deserve more. The current tantrums are occurring because their belief has been shown to be false.

Well, bless your poor blackened heart. Never go full vagina hat, sweetie.

But seriously, I’ve been thinking about what drives this hysterical behavior and I’ve decided that it mostly boils down to a fundamental lack of gratitude.

I’m not going to recount how fortunate we are in America. Everyone on this blog knows it. I wake up some days and literally thank God that I can take a warm shower in clean water. What we have, materially, is undeniably amazing.

But there’s poverty of goods and poverty of spirit. The women who act out this kind of absurd personal theater are generally well-off materially, but utterly impoverished spiritually.

Now Ace or others might disagree with this, but I would argue that the strongest spiritual links that you can form with God are faith and gratitude in that order. Paul, for example, responded to being flogged and thrown into prison not with wailing and despair, but by singing God’s praises. He had faith and gratitude in such abundance that no circumstance could shake his connection to God.

When I see these women, who are blessed with more freedom, justice and material prosperity than almost any human beings to ever live on this Earth, crying, wailing, and lashing out at the world, I see people with neither faith nor gratitude.

It’s no surprise, then, that they act like lunatics. Satan owns their souls. You cannot wake up every day and deny the goodness all around you and be happy, healthy and well adjusted. You cannot regularly stew in anger, hatred, spite and resentment and stay connected to God.

These people are lost. I do feel sorry for them, but I also understand that they’re living in a hell of their own making. Their misery belongs to them and only them.

Do not be them. Do not be like them