Archiving the Facebook.

Since it looks like Facebook will be censoring anything they deem fake news, time to start saving and posting the good quotes I see each day.

Authors cited, posts not linked. First name only, so the borg has to work for it. Posts conflated when I feel like it.


Apparently Democrats think elections should be like a court of law, where the judge instructs the jury to disregard that incredibly damning fact they just heard when making their decision, because they weren’t “supposed” to know it.

I’ll be blunt here: Any electors trying to overturn the election by voting contrary to their sworn duty are guilty of treason. They should be tried and executed for it. They won’t be, but they should be. On the incredibly slim chance that they actually do overturn the election, that will constitute a coup and they will be legitimate military targets in any 2nd Amendment campaign to restore the rightful succession of government.

David reminds us to use our eyes, and not filter using the memes of the elite.

” A lot of people who have been eligible to vote for decades, but didn’t decided to cast their first ballots after the president-elect announced his candidacy in June of 2015. ”
Going to self-promote just a bit here. I started making precisely this prediction over a year out. And I didn’t steal the idea from anyone else making it. Because I am not a political insider, just an observer.
How did a guy with no credentials making me an expert see this coming? By not paying attention to mainstream sources of news.
Those in the mainstream and “never Trump” classes who are now trying to analyze what happened without first asking the question “how did we misread Americans so badly? How have we become so out of touch with them?” Will never understand.
Instead they will just keep hand wringing and harping on about the “racists” and “bigots” (and the rest of the endless list of insults) who voted for him.

This will be a semi-regular series.

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