We have been taught not to care.

Vox Day says the biggest tell for a gamma is that they are always right, even if they are wrong. This is via whale oil, Frank Bruni, from the New York Fishwrap, who sees the end of the virtue spiral. It reminds me of a question on Vox Popoli today

What do you say to someone who calls you racist?

“Thank you”

We have had those terms thrown at us so often that we no longer care. We have been taught not to care. When we are told by the very left who despise all things righteous that we are evil because we don’t include their favoured out groups, we seethe.

And when we are called ignorant by the uneducated, we punch back. The tantrums this week have not changes our minds. Like Anonymous, we laugh.

Other factors conspired in the party’s debacle. One in particular haunts me. From the presidential race on down, Democrats adopted a strategy of inclusiveness that excluded a hefty share of Americans and consigned many to a “basket of deplorables” who aren’t all deplorable. Some are hurt. Some are confused.

Liberals miss this by being illiberal. They shame not just the racists and sexists who deserve it but all who disagree. A 64-year-old Southern woman not onboard with marriage equality finds herself characterized as a hateful boob. Never mind that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton weren’t themselves onboard just five short years ago.

Political correctness has morphed into a moral purity that may feel exhilarating but isn’t remotely tactical. It’s a handmaiden to smugness and sanctimony, undermining its own goals.


What does he mean? Well, let us hold our noses and go over to the HuffPo. Jesse Benn, an (((engaged citizen))) has produced the classic tactic of the bully: you made us be violent: you deserve the contempt we pour upon you.

The rise of Donald Trump has exposed the frightening underbelly of America’s foulest tendencies. Our racism, nativism, xenophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, ableism, and propensity toward authoritarianism have been laid bare. Reactions from those who stand opposed to these manifestations of oppression have varied from calm condemnation and routine peaceful protests, to blockades of roads and borderline riotous outbursts, including sporadic violence in various cities.

This isn’t a coincidence.

There are so many examples of Trump inciting violence the New York Times put together this video documenting some of them. A powerful video juxtaposing his longing for the violence against protestors from the “good ol’ days” with images from the Civil Rights Era recently went viral. There’s been an upswing in anti-Muslim hate crimes that correlates with his candidacy—including several offenders who cite him as their inspiration. Another of his supporters beat an unhoused Latino man. Yet another sucker punched a demonstrator at a rally and then, more alarmingly, went on to say, “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.” Trump has not just flagrantly violated the typical boundaries of political discourse, his candidacy is linked to multiple instances of violence. It shouldn’t be a surprise that opposition to him has responded in kind. Yet, a lot of people seem shocked and appalled at this perfectly logical reaction. In the face of media, politicians, and GOP primary voters normalizing Trump as a presidential candidate—whatever your personal beliefs regarding violent resistance—there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this.

Ben, I have some news.

We don’t care.

Being ablest means giving the job to the person who can do it. Being racist and sexist means acknowledging that there are differences, and getting people to do what they can for the good. (There is no place for the intellectual discussing Lacan in such a polity: post modern studies majors are less than unskilled labourers).

Islamophobia is calling Islam the religion of slavers, pedophiles and demon worshippers. Which happens to be true.

Nativism and xenophobia mean that your tribe survives.

The Alt Right consider all these things compliments. We know rebuilding our society will take time, sweat, blood and tears. You can demonstrate. We will breed and build.

And if you take up arms, we will fight. If you studied history, you would know that the white terror is more efficient than the red.

And Anonymous, you are only an ally if you discover truth and proclaim it. Start making things up, and you will find that we can and will ignore you as easily as we ignore Fox News.