
This is Ted Cruz on the current situation in the USA. On the Borg.

I expect the Democrats to try to block this, because it will expose more than Hillary Clinton, but a culture of corruption.

Director Comey has rewritten a clearly worded federal criminal statute. In so doing, he has come dangerously close to saying that grossly negligent handling of classified information should not result in serious consequences for high-level officials. In a nation where the rule of law is supposed to matter, this is troubling.

Yesterday, Americans celebrated the 240th birthday of our Republic. We honored not only those who fought and died to defend our way of life, but the constitutional Republic for which they sacrificed. If we are to remain a beacon of hope and freedom for the rest of the world, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that we remain a nation of laws, and that our laws apply equally and fairly to us all. Under President Obama, we have seen the most politicized Department of Justice in history; I very much hope that politicization has not similarly corrupted the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I join my Senate Judiciary colleagues, including Chairman Grassley, in calling for public transparency of, and full access to, all the information that the FBI used to come to today’s dubious decision.

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Further snark on the Hillary situation. It is clear that the republic is corrupt. And people are getting livid. Again, from the Borg… the Manatee and Ian.

“Yes, your honor, I intentionally drank, and yes I intentionally got in my car and drove will drunk, but I didn’t MEAN for that toddler to get run over as a result!”

“Ah, well that’s all anyone can really ask for, Hillary. No reasonable person would prosecute this. Case dismissed.

So… If you break the law, but you didn’t mean to break the law, then it is totally cool. Oh, but don’t saw your shotgun barrel down to 17 3/4” because the government will burn your house down.

This will not end well. John C Wright is a better writer than I am, and has skin in the game: I defer to his opinion.

Screenshot from 2016-07-06 16-42-00

Well, it is now official: Liberty is dead.

Rich and corrupt elite hags with friends in high places can break laws with impunity. The laws change from day to day and hour to hour, so that whether you are punished or vindicated does not depend on what you do, but who you know.

Rule of Law is over, killed by the Left. Now the government is a power struggle between savage and bloodthirsty, enemy factions, each who will stop at nothing in clawing for power, and none of whom has any worldly reason to trust any truce, seek any reconciliation, or favor any peace.

The Executive cannot correct this corruption, as it is its source; the Legislative branch has forsworn the practice of legislation, and merely signs bills no one reads, passes budgets no one budgets, and holds hearings which have no point, purpose, or effect; the Judiciary have usurped powers far in excess of their lawful powers, without any check or complaint. The Press, once the watchdogs of liberty, are actively, fanatically and with unholy monomania conniving to destroy our liberties and aid and abet enemy action against us, no matter the cost to themselves, no matter the loss to their credibility.

You fools. You damnable fools.

You had the greatest republic and the finest form of government in the history of life on Earth, the most bountiful land, the most just and self-disciplined of people, the freest press, the most abundant wealth, the greatest advancement in law, technology, medicine … and you threw it all into the sewer with a curse, and got nothing in return.

May God have mercy on this wretched nation.

A couple of days later, it is getting worse. I expect the progressive narrative will come to a crashing halt during the Northern Summer and Autumn… or if Hillary wins (which will take 150% of the voters in a considerable of districts voting in unison for her) then we may find ourselves in a situation Kratman predicted. For half the country would say that she is a felon and she must be impeached forthwith. The credibility of the USA is… unlike what Scott Adams says, is shattered.

The primary goal of government is its own credibility.
That notion needs some explaining.

Governments do many things, including building roads, providing social services, defending the homeland, and more. But no matter what the government is trying to accomplish, its macro-responsibility is to maintain its own credibility. Governments without credibility devolve into chaos. Credibility has to be job one.

Consider all the different government systems around the world, and all the different laws they created. The Chinese government is different from the United States government, which is different from Jordan’s government, which is different from Great Britain. But each of those governments is credible to its own people, and that’s the key. The specific laws and the specific forms of government don’t matter too much, so long as the public views its own local system as credible.

The notion of credibility is why my political preferences don’t align with either of the candidates for president. I look for credibility in government, not for my personal agreement with a particular policy.

For example, I think laws regarding abortion are most credible when they are agreeable to the majority of women, no matter what the majority of men think. Imagine an abortion-related law that was acceptable to 90% of men but only 10% of women. It wouldn’t be credible. Nor should it be.

This gets me to FBI Director James Comey’s decision to drop the case against Hillary Clinton for her e-mail security lapses. To the great puzzlement of everyone in America, and around the world, Comey announced two things:

1. Hillary Clinton is 100% guilty of crimes of negligence.

2. The FBI recommends dropping the case.

From a legal standpoint, that’s absurd. And that’s how the media seems to be reacting. The folks who support Clinton are sheepishly relieved and keeping their heads down. But the anti-Clinton people think the government is totally broken and the system is rigged. That’s an enormous credibility problem.

But what was the alternative?

The alternative was the head of the FBI deciding for the people of the United States who would be their next president. A criminal indictment against Clinton probably would have cost her the election.

How credible would a future President Trump be if he won the election by the FBI’s actions instead of the vote of the public? That would be the worst case scenario even if you are a Trump supporter. The public would never accept the result as credible.


This is not going to end well if you continue to double down on the progressive narrative. It will not end well if Clinton wins: it may end somewhat better if Trump wins. But the damage is done. Many Americans no longer trust their Mayors, governors or president.

The task that the next government faces is one of pruning the rot. Far better that the federal government shrink, and be healthy, than this continue. For like a fish, it is rotting from the head.

It is indeed time, in the USA, to be where the crowds are not.

2 thoughts on “Mutterings.

  1. Sadly, we do have our own version of this. One’s heart must sink whenever one hears that a prosecution of a Minister or high-ranking official “would not be in the public interest”.

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