The sixth crusade. [Lam 2]

This is Ian Bibby, on Facebook this morning. Talking about those who want to conquer us, by lawyers and swords and money. Overnight there were bombing attacks in Brussels.

“Calling Islam violent just creates more terrorists!”

Oh really? Somehow Christians don’t have that problem, despite progressives calling us violent all the time.

All you really do when you repeat that moronic cliche is affirm that Islam is inherently incompatible with free speech and a free society. You’re saying that Islam in the West is essentially a hostage situation, where if we hostages dare defy orders by pointing the situation out, our captors start executing us. Or maybe an abusive marriage is the better analogy, where we rationalize away the fact that our spouse is prone to violence at the slightest imagined provocation by telling ourselves that we must have done something wrong and we’ll do better next time.

Progressives are out of excuses here. Nobody believes that Islam is a religion of peace, least of all progressives themselves. That bit of boilerplate can only be said sarcastically if you want to be taken seriously. The problem is Islam. Not “radical Islam” as if that were some distinct religion. It’s Islam, period, and progressives who continue to explain it away are only guaranteeing their own immanent irrelevance. When you continually lie to people about what they can see with their own eyes, they stop listening.

Screenshot from 2016-03-23 07-02-10

A blunter comment was at Vox.

So let’s recap. The terrorist Salah Abdeslam was able to hide in his own home district for FOUR FUCKING MONTHS while being the most wanted man in Europe.

Just four days after his arrest, his jihadist fellows are able to launch a coordinated attack on Brussels. If it isn’t a retaliation, boy does it look like it.

At this point refusing to acknowledge the problem should be akin to complicity of crime.

And yes, I am getting to the text for today. Because it is Lamentations, and the relevance here is not that disaster comes suddenly from the hand of man. We delude ourselves that we are safe. We are told that those who worship Allah and his fellow followers of their leader Ba’alzebub are peaceful lambs.

Despite bombing Brussels this week, and Istanbul last week.

Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions;
they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes,
but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading.

All who pass along the way clap their hands at you;
they hiss and wag their heads at the daughter of Jerusalem:
“Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of all the earth?”

All your enemies rail against you;
they hiss, they gnash their teeth, they cry: “We have swallowed her!
Ah, this is the day we longed for; now we have it; we see it!”

The LORD has done what he purposed; he has carried out his word,
which he commanded long ago; he has thrown down without pity;
he has made the enemy rejoice over you and exalted the might of your foes.

(Lamentations 2:14-17 ESV)

One of the reasons we should read history is to define patterns. CHurch history included. The unitarians and liberals who consider all things relative have to deal with the recrudescence of evils the west destroyed by cold steel, germs, and six feet of hemp.

  • Cannibalism. Common in Fiji and NZ. Stopped by the missionaries converting people en masse.
  • The West African slave trade. Stopped by the Royal Navy blockading what was the Malaria cost for three decades
  • The North African slave trade. Stopped by Marines taking out a few Muslim rulers: one of the US Marine Battle honours. And a reason why Britian Garrisoned Gibraltar, and still holds it: Slavers used to raid the southern English coast.
  • Suttee and Thugs. Stopped by hanging the elders of any village that allowed this to happen
  • But we are not prepared to pick up the white man’s burden and preach the gospel, conquer the tyrants, and hang the pirates from the yard arm. We are not prepared to shun the faithless, and keep the enemy from our shores. We are told we are progessive, enlightened, rich and powerful, when we are regressing, ignorant, in an economic decline and can no longer support sufficient regiments and ships to ensure our borders are intact.

    We may no longer have prophets, but we are infested with lawyers, pundits and politicians. And they lie.

    Facts are that we have an enemy. It is not the Russians. It is not the Chinese. They are civilized, and have a Christian minority, if not a plurality. The enemy of the West is Islam, and its enablers. We are in the sixth crusade, and this time the Turk is within our gates.

    And if we do not reform and change, we will lose.

One Comment

  1. Brown said:

    In the face of this great uncertainty remains our comforting and confident hope of eternity in a new heaven and earth with Him who is already victorious.

    March 23, 2016

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