Notes from the Front Line.

Standard orc tactics.

  1. Ignore the local laws and regulations. Have sex with a 10 year old. Fish where it is banned
  2. Attack anyone who tries to stop you
  3. If they fight back, get a mob to back you up

This is from the Daily Mail:

Swedish police were forced to run for their lives after being attacked by a mob of asylum seekers as they tried to relocate amid allegations a 10-year-old boy had been ‘raped repeatedly’ at a refugee centre.

Officers entered the centre in Västerås to save the young boy who had been reportedly attacked repeatedly by asylum seekers at the centre.

Initially, staff in the centre tried to remove the boy but were stopped by the mob. Instead the staff called police for backup.

The incident happened last week in Västerås, pictured, after authorities received reports that a 10-year-old child was being abused repeatedly at the refugee centre in the city, but were unable secure the youngster

The incident happened last week in Västerås, pictured, after authorities received reports that a 10-year-old child was being abused repeatedly at the refugee centre in the city, but were unable secure the youngster

One of the officers told the Vestmanlands Läns Tidning newspaper: ‘Even more people appeared behind us. I was mentally prepared to fight for my life. We were 10 police officers in a narrow corridor. And I hear someone yell that there is an emergency exit.’

The incident happened last Wednesday, before a 15-year-old asylum seeker in Sweden was accused of murdering a girl working in a refugee centre.

And this is from Whaleoil, about an incident in Australia. Note that the husband is facing an investigation for defending his wife. And note he’s ex military, but he ended up facing eight to one odds.

Mr Tyrell believes his attack was racially motivated.

“Liana said nicely to him that if you put that in there, you may get in trouble, as you are not meant to have it. That was it, and he turned on her,” Mr Tyrrell said.

He said he heard his wife’s screams and, seeing a man attacking her, ran to her aid. After he got the man into a headlock, he said up to eight other men ran in.

The war veteran, a qualified instructor in the martial art of Krav Maga, said he ended up on the ground and was kicked in the head. The couple believe the attack was racially and culturally motivated.

“I’m a war veteran and I fought in the Middle East. The main attacker was Muslim and my take is he probably didn’t like being told what to do from a woman,” Mr Tyrrell said.

“This guy was calling Liana a white s— and a white whore and telling her: ‘Your husband needs to teach you a lesson’.”

Now, if someone called the Pro Photographer a whore, or attacked my daughter or hers, I hope I would react as Tyrell did. And if someone attacks my grand daughter or grand sons I better not be near. Because the urge for revenge will be upon me, and I have enough problems with my inner Viking.

We are at war, and the front lines are being shifted to the West. Immigration is invasion.