The emperor proclaims to be liberal, to be rich, to be the height of fashion: to be wise, and to guide the feckless and superstitious into the light.
Yeah, right.
The emperor is fascist, poor, frumpy, foolish, and promotes the implosion of the…
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It is God who trains our hands for battle. It is God who made men with a greater aggressive drive, and a sense of combativeness that does not diminish as we grow weary. If you do not believe that, play cards with your father, or visit a bowls…
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I did not know of George Herbert. I was thinking of Andrew Marvell, who was a puritan, but most of the Puritan poets are a generation or so later: the English schoolteacher would call him a metaphysical poet, and in his day the best known.
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The Crossway BCP Lectionary is again getting flakey... I'm using the Revised Common Lectionary today, from the most reliable place, which is the PCUSA. As when I'm using the other lectionary, I'm not going to link back: the scriptures can be found anywhere.
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Was Donne four centuries too early, or is this universal?
Extract from "To the Countess of Salisbury"
Since now, when all is withered, shrunk, and dried,
All virtue ebbed out to a dead low tide,
All the world's frame being crumbled into sand,
Rhetoric is a lie. Rhetoric has always been a lie. It will always be a lie. It is about using language and emotion to discount facts, logic and common sense.
The best thing to do when people get rhetorical is tune out. Yes, we are not listening.…
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Why is Paul praying. These people have been saved.
He is praying because he wants them to grow. They will show this not in words of spirituality and comfort, but in confrontation and correction. For our kingdom is of God: it is not our nation.
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