Blaming the victim is a bad habit. (Petunias and SJW and media, please note)

The Media are trying to say that the deaths in San Bernardino were not Islam but guns. Or because people read Ann Coulter.

But Islamic hate is international, and you don’t need a gun to kill.

A man wielding a knife slashed a man in an Underground station in east London station, reportedly screaming “this is for Syria”, before police used a stun gun to detain him in what they described as a terrorist incident.

A pool of blood near the ticket barriers at the Leytonstone station, about 10km east of central London, was visible in footage posted on Twitter that also showed the suspect confronting officers at just after 7pm on Saturdy (local time).

Police said initial reports indicated the man had also threatened other bystanders. One man had serious knife injuries that were not thought to be life-threatening and two other people had minor injuries, police said.

I am waiting for the machine to start investigating who was killed in the Underground and saying he has it coming. Because it was Essex. Because of England. Because of not enough immigrants, or islamophobia, The victim’s family will find thie reputation shredded by the media because the narrative must succeed.

So do not believe them. Do not listen to them. Do not buy their newspapers. Do not link to the most vicious of them — I’m linking to my local rag here, not the NZ herald, which has gone full Petunia moron — and will not link to the NY post. You can often find the documentation on twitter or tumblr.

And pray for the victims families, that they are comforted. Pray also for these yellow journalists, that they may find their conscience, and repent.