Go full Abbott, not full moron.

Abbott was deposed by the elite in Australia. The left hate him. They always have. He was not perfect as a PM… but… he stopped the refugee problem. Because he turned the boats back, and simply tells those who would immigrate: use the legal system.

Otherwise you will be deported.

The exception is New Zealand. New Zealanders can just travel and work, with some restrictions around licensing if you are a doctor or nurse — these are minimal as all the NZ qualifications are shared or certified by Australia as well. It makes sense for the medical system to work over two countrie.s

And if you are a New Zealander, you cannot get a benefit, or student loan. You have to become an Australian Citizen. If you find yourself unemployed — return to NZ. If you commit crimes — you will be jailed, placed in a detention camp, and returned to New Zealand.

Yes, this is unfair on NZ. We have had a fair number of people who moved to Aussie, lived in the underclass, and then were deported to NZ after living all their (fairly feral) lives elsewhere. Which annoys me.

But Australia is another country, and I prefer living here, where the federal state does not exist, and one can meet the PM in his local cafe.

So I would say to Sweden and Germany and Denmark… why give benefits at all? If they can work, they can eat.

Sweden could solve a lot of their problems quickly by adopting the solution the Danes used: cut welfare benefits in half.

Most of these people refuse to register as refugees in other nations because they know, or have been informed, that Sweden has by far the best benefits and “social safety net” of any European nation. Throwing a wrench in that equation by cutting benefits and you will see the flow cut off as the “migrants” seek better troughs to feed from and probably an exodus of current “migrants” unwilling to accept that the charity of others has been throttled. Extra bonus points for getting *Swedes* off welfare as well.

While the politicians dither, we are already seeing the 4GW battles playing out, as asylum centres are being torched and people begin to take steps to combat the invaders on their own (interesting side note which I hope Vox amplifies: in Austria the sales of shotguns is going through the roof, since these are the only small arms easily and legally accessible to the general public). You will not be surprised to note how little this has been reported in the North American press, and of course Canada, under its new Socialist government has pledged to open the floodgates to these people as well (I wonder how large urban centres like Toronto or Montreal will enjoy the influx of these new people? Certainly the ones who are calling for the increase of immigration are safely insulated in Rosemont or Westmount (two upscale neighbourhoods in Toronto and Montreal respectively), and can count on never having to directly encounter the results of their virtue signalling.

Should we be allowed to be charitable and bring in our oppressed Syrian brothers, who have seen their sisters defiled and their pastors crucified because of Christ? Yes, yes, and yes. But we should not expect benefits. The church should bring them in, the church should feed them and provide for them, and this should happen through legal channels. I think the state should have nothing to do with refugee settlement, but that the regulations on immigration be obeyed.

But, then, I consider the benefit system we have is unsustainable, broken, and it will not survive. For the world is in crisis, and in a crisis only the morons hold onto luxuries.