Big Sister has a choice. [Matt 13]

Christ preached the Kingdom of God. He generally dealt with his status in debate. His preaching was about the kingdom.

This Kingdom is worth more than anything. And this kingdom is not here.

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“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind. When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

“Have you understood all these things?” They said to him, “Yes.” And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

(Matthew 13:44-52 ESV)

As I noted yesterday, this world is against the kingdom. It would silence us. It will monitor us. It will micro-regulate our speech.

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On Sunday, the preacher at Grace noted that in the Middle East, Africa, and China there are martyrs. But in the effete West, we deny Christ lest there is a hurtful word, or we are shunned. If we do this, we neither value the kingdom, or ourselves.

For people are worth more than an ideology.

And the kingdom is worth far more than this.

Big sister may watch. She will be offended. That leaves her with a choice. She can continue to be a petunia: living in a glasshouse, requiring special fertilizers and insecticides, while claiming she is strong, powerful, and can smother weeds, or she can discover shame. And from shame, horror at her sins.

And from that horror, repentance. Godly sorrow has its uses. And then seek the very Christ who inaugurated the kingdom of God in his death and resurrection.


  1. Mick said:

    Big Sis has that PMS look. Which would explain the whole social justice thought pattern.

    November 3, 2015
    • Chris Gale said:

      Nah, just the entitled look of one who has never struggled and told she is a princess.

      November 4, 2015

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