Full academic Title IX moron.

An example of Rule four: SJW always end up stupid.
The Stalinism is strong in American Academy. The quota of those who are convicted of harassment must be filled. Due process and constitution be damned.

Now Title IX is beginning to hurt college women in other ways. It all has to do with continuing redefinitions of sexual harassment, which increasingly encroach on constitutionally protected free speech.

In one recent case, a female student of mine was prosecuted after an argument with her roommate. Her crime was calling her roommate a “bitch.” This now constitutes the third case in which the Division of Student Affairs (for the mere utterance of a single profanity) has prosecuted a student of mine. It is also the first case I have encountered in which the accused was a female and the mechanism of prosecution was “harassment.”

But now things are changing. Since the rape tribunals are causing men to avoid college there are fewer “potential rapists” to prosecute. The universities are now short of “offenders” needed to satisfy the Department of Education that exists to satisfy their addiction to federal funding. The inevitable result is that we are now seeing prosecutions of women for harassing other women.

The future is not bright for women in higher education. Before long the two largest groups on campus will be 1) Female students, and, 2) College administrators – with the latter group monitoring the speech of the former in search of federal funding opportunities.

This is what happens when we shred the constitution in search of fictitious victims. Everyone ends up being a perpetrator and no one is safe from bureaucratic harassment.

Unless you are called to a credentialed profession that requires a college degree, avoid colleges. If you live in the States and need that MD or BN or LLD, consider getting it out of North America. (Sit the licencing exams when you get your MB — six years post matriculation, not eight — or LlB — four years post matriculation, not eight). Let the Stalinists starve in their self made hell.

Do not support them. Do not be them. Do not be like them.