The USA is anti-christian [Mark 14]

Our society has fallen away, the question we have to face is have we as well. Because the progressives are trying to freeze those of faith out of any power in Ohio. Using the courts: please note — not elections, lest the peons revolt and stop the narrative.

I’m fairly sure some smart lawyer will appeal this, for the constitution of the USA bans any religious test, and establishes that there is no established religion. But past behaviour predict future behaviour. A court that ruled Dredd Scott, Roe v Wade, and Obergfell is a court that is corrupt and should never be trusted.

So what we have now is a kind of “religious test” for judges. If you are a devout Christian or a devout Jew, then you can’t be a judge in Ohio. Only people reject the Judeo-Christian ethics that founded this country can be judges.

So, if we go back 50 years, what were the churches doing to stop this? Were they educating people in apologetics? Were they encouraging people to stay married? Were they educating people about feminism, the sexual revolution and no-fault divorce? Were they paying attention to cosmology and fine-tuning discoveries and making them known to the flock? Were they teaching people about how to think Christianly about economics, foreign policy, free enterprise, and so on? Were they steering young people towards areas that are related to apologetics? Were they steering young people towards careers that would place them in positions of influence? No. We had other priorities – making people feel good, and avoid controversy and conflict.

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We should expect that the church is going to be feckless. We should expect failure. It is not us that holds the church together, but the holy spirit. Given our natural inclinations, we would sleep while the nation fails, and the very judges that destroyed the public role of the church are destroyed by a new generation of Warriors, who do not understand, that like the Red Guard or Hitler’s Brownshirts, their season has to be limited or there will be no society left.

And please stop talking about the USA as if is a Christian nation. It has many Christians within it, but it is now anti-christian.

And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” Peter said to him, “Even though they all fall away, I will not.” And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” But he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same.

And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him. And he came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”

(Mark 14:27-42 ESV)

It has been one of those things I did not predict. I know that the British commonwealth is effete and the political power is not those of faith. It has been this way throughout my life in the commonwealth. And our parliaments have voted in evil laws: not merely legalizing homosexuality, but gay marriage, allowing abortions to occur against the laws they have made, and deliberately allowing immigrants from the most antichristian parts of the world so the native culture is threatened and Christendom dies.

And there have been consequences. Marrying in Ontario or England is now playing Russian Roulette with your fortune, for the courts will give it all to the woman regardless of what she has done. The birth rate is plummeting. The nation will expire, for there is no hope, and the propaganda of the state talks peace while waging war on their own people.

I am a loyal subject to the Queen, for that is my duty, as it has been hers to warn the politicians of what they are doing — which, from all reports, she does.

But the USA was founded as a city on a shining hill, to be a witness against us Tories and the impurity of or society: the USA expunged Dredd Scott from the books by an amendment to the constitution forged out of a bloody civil war, and the USA sent many missionaries around the world, and did much good. Much of this was driven by the engine of Christian conscience: the marines and airmen were indeed doing good.

But when the elite rejected this they leapfrogged the commonwealth. We liberalized abortion with restrictions: the USA decided it was a civil right. We have our politicians vote on issues such as legal prostitution (which we have, and it has not worked; more women are exploited now than before) and marriage reform but we added conscience clauses, knowing there were people of good conscience who could not comply.

The US judges think they are the Kremlin, and they can remake the souls of men.

And if the commonwealth has fallen for our many and various sins, I predict that the US will fall also, and it will be shocking. I pray that I am wrong, and that there will be revival. But it is getting late.

5 thoughts on “The USA is anti-christian [Mark 14]

  1. What surprises me is the speed with which the push against Christianity has progressed. Its encouraging really as it lends weight to the scriptures being correct and of value in that they offend people to a point that they must react. It seems most think that if the pesky conscience is silenced all will be well.

    My home group is studying Mark and last night we looked at the end of chapter 3. It showed that even Christ’s family thought him a wierdo despite what he did. There were crowds interested but they were fickle. The Church is always at odds with the world and that this is the norm is clear from Genesis 3. Be of good cheer.

  2. There’s been a Sun Cult wandering the halls of Americana since day one, Chris, at least that’s what I find more to be true as I continue researching this “Christian” nation I was born of and into and remain. I sometimes look at the Apotheosis of Washington, or the obelisks and goddess domes in DC, the goddess Columbia heralding the Capital City, rather than God Himself, the occult’s deep-running roots that followed here from Old Places in the world.

    Can I debate that this nation has done much that is good? Nope, nor would I want to do so, for as we both know, God does what He wills and uses whom and what He so desires to forward His will.

    But I fear that when America stripped away mythology, stripped away all the moorings of Monarchy (painting with a broad brush here), it wasn’t a good move in the least. America has few things to anchor herself too save her past history, which is short, her good things, which thankfully are many, and the dying notions now of Rome’s notions of a Republic. When we stripped away mythology, the very understanding of our symbols (such as Columbia) are lost on us Americans. Far too many of us don’t even know that all ’round us, since we were all born, at least, old gods stand watch.

    Sun and moon cults I see woven into the tapestry of our nation, our ideals, along with God’s Biblical commands. I’d be quite happy to see the sun and moon cult iconography gone, while the commandments of God stayed.

    But that makes me a meany, don’t it?

  3. It’s worth mourning, so thank you for saying so. And yes, it’s absolutely shocking how quickly conservative and faithful religious people have become pariahs. It’s not been overnight, but close enough. Like walking gently downslope and suddenly you’re tumbling downhill out of control.

    God will provide a way – whether that’s a path out of the march of insanity or a mission.

  4. The greatest trick the Devil has pulled isn’t to convince us he doesn’t exist, but that Christians believe their own press. I’ve been reading back through different periods of Christian Evangelism (slowly), and the truth of the matter is you could just update the words and preach the exact same sermons on how perverse any Country is becoming. Yes, it is worse, but none of these issues are new. They’re just taking on a different form than before, but Christians like to delude themselves that this is worse than before (I think a lot of Christians from 1915-1945 would beg to differ on that point). It’s the same process we see in the book of Judges. We simply have to pick up our staffs and get to work. First for the Gospel, then for our responsibilities as Citizens of our Countries.

    In the USA’s case for the time being, all of this only works for a little while. One thing with the SJW crowd is that they are, at their hearts, a bunch of utter cowards. That’s why they work so hard to co-opt the forces that have Power, as they will not actually fight their own fights. Evil rarely coordinates well. So, if the time comes, the problem can be solved very quickly. It won’t be that bloody, but it will change many things.

    There is a long reply to this being written

    As for the United States, the creation & sending of the Pentecostal movement alone means the country served God’s purpose. For all of the faults of the movement (of which there are many), it’s been the single greatest driver of Christian Evangelism in a millennium. For that, this place has done the Lord’s Will.

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