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Reliably of Statcounter and #!++.

Last month I dumped Sitemeter, and on the suggestion of Open Parachute, moved to Statcounter. The numbers look interesting… and about twice what I was getting internally. Using Statcounter, I have two blogs: one in the top 20, and one in the top 150. The latter is not that difficult.

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However, there is a variance of about a thousand views between wordpress (I use Jetpack on a self hosted site) and Statcounter.

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I have the statcounter at the side column of this page and another counter linking I think to jetpack in the page footer. The numbers vary considerably: they were started at different times. And the methods of measuring traffic differ significantly, meaning all numbers are somewhat suspect.

This month there are two additions to the blogroll: Zwinglius Redividus and Ontozoan. I have had to take down Scott’s second page on orthodoxy, at his request.

The webserver has been moved from a sid based Debian (Siduction) back one step to testing and crunchbangplusplus, with the instant addition of my favourite manager, cinnamon. It is very stable. The sons are avoiding upgrading to windows 10, and my IT department at uni has banned us from doing so: my advice is burn a CD and use something lightweight.

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As it is the beginning of the month, it is time for all you wordpress people to backup. Go to Tools –> export. Back up the entire file: it is an xml thing. The entire thing is not that big: mine is about 20 MB.
Finally, Akismet is letting in a fair amount of spam. I have taken to just emptying the spam bucket. If your comment was lost, blame those who want to sell me SEO or link to their car repair businesses in Tupelo or Dahomey.

4 thoughts on “Reliably of Statcounter and #!++.”

  1. You meant ‘reliability’, no?

    Also, it’s Zwinglius, not Calvinus, Redivivus.

    I’m not sure I saw Scott’s page; can you give a link here in the comments? Why did he request removal of the link, out of curiosity?

  2. Corrected, thanks.

    Scott is under huge pressure in his work and in his role, and he was advised by those who know his circumstances to keep his blog down — it’s closed, gone — because the blowback would have been severe and he is doing good where he is.

    The courtship pledge, which he ran with Mychael, had gone down prior to that and could not be resurrected, it was completely shredded.

    The moral is to not have bosses like Scott has, and to back up your sites.

  3. Windows 10 is looking to run headlong into the problem of “useful data collection to help users” and “Big Brother watching you”. Full time Linux is probably coming to a lot of our lives here in a few years.

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