You are not responsible for the haters.

Right. The ways of the left are those of the effeminate, the rabbits. They will not merely disagree: they will destroy. And the women’s movement is not exempt

You missed the “pop psychoanalyst” hater, who acts like your vitriolic style is somehow an effort to compensate for powerlessness, or preserve your ego by provoking angry responses and then chalking up any criticism to hysteria, or blah, blah, blah. I swear, this unfalsifiable Freudian bullshit is the worst legacy of the 20th century.

This attack is accomplished by making you feel that your very existence is inimical to the Movement and that nothing can change this short of ceasing to exist. These feelings are reinforced when you are isolated from your friends as they become convinced that their association with-you is similarly inimical to the Movement and to themselves. Any support of you will taint them. Eventually all your colleagues join in a chorus of condemnation which cannot be silenced, and you are reduced to a mere parody of your previous self.

Well, the rabbits can form their herd and they will try to get the authorities to take you down. They are fundamentally effete: they neither have the honour to directly confront you or the wisdom to seek truth and submit to it.

I keep a nice set of examples of this… for these occasions.

The left is quite effete, however, and does engage in the politics women should leave behind when they leave high school.

Men generally do not behave this way in groups, except when the group is led by cowardly, unusually self-centered, or feminine men; cowardly men will engage in trashing behavior because they lack the masculine virtue of direct confrontation and will instead engage in innuendo, rumor-spreading, and misrepresentation to discredit those who disagree with them. Women, however, nearly always exhibit these group dynamics when left to their own devices.

Also, even if you were a super ugly racist sexist
fat virgin rapist etc, you’d still be right about feminism. That’s what throws the lefties. How can someone be mean, AND right? The leftist mind determines credibility based on a person’s social position, not cold, unadulterated logic.

Man and woman of God, you are not responsible for the haters. The Rabbits. They will hate because they are told that you are despicable. They will hate because you have standards. They will hate because you stand out. They will hate because you go to the gym. They will hate because you do not eat junk.

They will hate you because you enjoy being a girl. They will hate you if you enjoy being a man. And they will reserve their greatest hatred for you if you have a marriage. love each other, and breed.

You are not responsible for their hatred. To accede to this is not a mercy for them. It is far better that you do good, and let their conscience burn white-hot. Perhaps, then, even, they will repent.

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Solo Dad. Calvinist. Photographer: manual, film and Digital.

2 thoughts on “You are not responsible for the haters.”

  1. I see it’s a transgender thing. That means it believes in no prick, so its shaming attempt with the “you have a small penis” charge is meaningless, in context.

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