Subverting the (Marxist) Man.

Let’s start with a thesis that Chris Muir explains best in his cartoon but is the reality: the sixties and seventies led to a change in the thinking of the educated classes, and that move was from independent thinking to collectivism. As my son said yesterday, correctly, the fundamental assumption of Marxism is collectivism: be it classes, sex, race: it is us against them.

And the Marxists learnt from Gramsci, to control the institutions. The Marxist collective assumptions are the assumptions of the technocratic bureaucrats that run the state systems, the education system, and the media: Marxists are the Man.

In this time, the state has over promised. There is over reach. The assumptions of the state are not congruent with the facts on the ground, and that makes those who run the state — controlling. Subversion of this functionally fascist system is the duty of all freedom loving people. And that leads to some interesting alliances.

Via Zero Hedge: the guys who were taken down for running silk road are back up again… trading drugs & other unregulated stuff. But the interesting thing is that there is public fundraising for a system that will cut the all federated states out of trade.

For Good.

I’m somewhat suspicious: if one donates to Indegogo will you end up on a watch list (and if you do so, should you use bitcoin?)

What is very clear is that people are seeing something that does not work — and by that I mean the state — and they are minimizing their involvement with this. They may be like Cappy, cutting their income to minimal. They may be homeschooling. Or they may be not enrolling in things (like Obamacare) regardless of whatever the law says.

Mass disobedience is subversion: advocating mass disobedience may be seen as seditious. But when it happens… the writing is on the wall. It is time for the innocent to be discerning, to be crafty, and to keep their profile low — I can criticize the USA, but I am not American, and I’m fairly careful about keeping the domestic laws.

But when the Marxist complains that the tactics of the left are being used against them my Irony nerve starts tingling.