This is day Zero of a trip, and I am sitting in my work office doing this at lunchtime: I was up most of the night and my next sleep will be on a plane: the next bed is 48 h away. I have been worried about leaving my grown sons at home, despite…
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Time for some deep theology. The bodies we have come first. The physical comes first, and the body matters. What we do with our bodies can be glorious, as Alison Balsom is playing Handel in the clip. But we are made from that of this earth, and in this sate we cannot be part of heaven, for of that stuff we are…
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I disagree with the Toad in his article at SSM's place, and I'm going to tell you why in a bit. But first, his suggestion has some merits in a time when society has fallen, and only in that time.
This flows from a post of two days ago. We are returning to the thesis that Paul is writing: that without the resurrection Christianity is naught. So the resurrection of the dead is coming to us all. Eternal life is for all, but what kind of life…
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If we are of Christ, we are the subjects to a great monarch, who is Christ himself. The glory and pomp of our current monarch is but a pale shadow of the kingdom to come. We are exiles. We are on this world, but we are not of this world.
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