Yesterday I made some very obvious comments about the end times and the situation in the middle east. This did not take a lot of thought. My hit rate went way up. But the posts that I sweat over go unread. Mainly because they are about self…
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We live in a time of war and rumours of war. Now, it may be that I know about this because of the internets, but this did make the paper today as well. As has the ongoing travail for our Christian Brothers in Egypt.
The Copts, like the Iraqi…
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The law again, and salvation.
Why do we return to this. The church has this worked out by the Jerusalem conference. In Acts. The simple reason is that it is incredibly difficult, although quite simple
Liberals are boring and without imagination. They spend all their time fighting over things that do not really matter but ignore the issues of justice and righteousness. Glyn Cardy, who is the Liberal's liberal in Auckland, decided to stir up…
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This is a comment on Samizdata relating to the experience of one of the bloggers in opening a bank account. He had to sign statements that he had no business in the USA and this new project (for which he was setting up accounts) would not have any US…
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I have no particular animus against the leader of the opposition in NZ, David Shearer, who resigned yesterday. He had been losing in the house (the PM is a good performer, and many people see his casual style and underestimate him). But the first…
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