
Down in the Antipodes it is wet. I talked to the boys (who are with their mother as it is school holidays) and it is wet in Auckland. And Bunny notes that it is wet in Sydney. The trouble is that this drains motivation. I would rather it was cold and fine: you can dress for the cold but the chilling mist just drives through everything.

Fortunately, today is Anzac day, and if you are not an ex servicemen or trying to make a big thing over your patriotism you have a day off. And a sleep in.

But motivation better come. The house needs tidying, and my parents arrive tomorrow.

UPDATE. Stopped raining after four days. The backyard is a jungle, but the sky is now blue. Yay.


The mood is lifting.

3 thoughts on “Blegh.

    1. Yes, it does: but attending the secular services of our publick religion with its bowing to native gods is something I can do without.

      1. Ick; understood, I’d feel the same way; sheesh, we don’t have that at our Remembrance Day ceremonies! I think y’all in New Zealand are more genuflecting towards your aboriginal heritage than even we are, here in Canada!

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