Power and protection cause love.

Son and I have been out looking at scenery after a very depressing sermon. Our minister talked about how he could not wait for the prayer meeting, and used to attend praise meetings for an hour before church. How he expected God to breakthrough.

But he has lost this. The church no longer wants God’s involvement. And he is left tweaking with the institution, part of the system. preserving society. As he meditated on the mob baying for Christ’s crucifixion, he wondered if they were the same as those who welcomed Jesus — and if they woke up the next morning and decided to compromise, to be practical.

Because we have stopped confronting. Using the manosphere code, we have become Betas. Nice guys, and that is not compatible with righteousness. As Danny notes.

The Beta men are backing away from women, and the Alphas rarely stick around for more than sexual release. deti is correct is saying the sluts never see consequences for their behavior; but rather their behavior is “independence” and “empowerment”.

You won’t see consequences until some sort of religious fundamentalism keeps it in check. It won’t happen in America, so family formation and birth rates will continue to fall. No real man wants a slut or a Housewife of Alimony County.

Never underestimate the power of God. England was in a worse state before the Methodist revival. However, before revival the church needs to repent. To acknowledge that their institutional attempts at righteousness and dead. That appeasing the wishes of the congregation is fatal The church has to repent before God will work. Moreover, you can judge the wisdom of a path by its fruits. TZ notes.

The feminization of Christendom runs deep – I think the Norman Vincent Peale positive thinking, later Robert Schuller – think positive, sin doesn’t matter, God preemptively forgives with the tiniest bit of contrition, penance is medieval, was an earlier root, or merely a different strain of the disease. Before we had altar calls calling sinners to repent. Often. Revivals for the backsliders and lukewarm. Today we are all lukewarm and carnal but happy and content that God won’t judge us because he is just too, too, merciful for that. There is an excess in the other direction but it is rarely seen these days. This “get out of hell free” attitude ends up mainly aimed at women.

For men, there is something called the custody of the eyes, so you don’t look as that is what will get you started. For a long time, women were kept in protected gardens and greenhouses called homes where they would similarly avoid the occasion of sin, at least great sin (and children tend to undo selfishness – “saved through childbearing” is likely to mean this). Parents don’t have much time for sin. They are often too tired for temptation.

Before the 1960?s some men behaved badly – there were places they could sin and they wouldn’t be held responsible. In fact, such temptation was used for things like closing a sale. This was not a good thing, but instead of lifting men up from the mud, it was easier to let women wallow in the same sty.

The airbrushed centerfold is a fantasy, but so is the sweet and loving wife or fiance, at least if original sin and concupiscence has its normal play. In both cases men upon discovering the real woman end up being horrified. But you must deal with reality, and that reality is we are all sinners.

Women’s sins tend to be different in another way. Men get angry and blow up so Matthew 5 “Raca!” is clear. Women get passive-aggressive, so are just as angry and murderous in their hearts, but it is kept covert. Men can look at another woman with lust. Women think it (I’ve not read 50 shades, but I suspect there is no explicit description of acts, while not quite cut-to-the-fireplace in a scene, and would have the hot-buttons for the female the equivalent of a centerfold for a man). Femporn gets adultery into the heart just as effectively but it will get through a lot of filters. Men can’t play victim but women can – even when they are the cause and the man is the victim.

The red pill is simply the truth. In The Matrix, the “real world” was ugly and at war. Justice requires us to judge the actions and effects without bias, without regards to whether they are direct or indirect, immediate or cumulative, no matter who is doing them. And we are all to submit to Christ, his truth, his love.

Love is not emotion or attractiveness. It comes from the party that WILLS INTENTIONALLY AND KNOWINGLY to love. God loves us this way. He doesn’t put a condition on it because it is all him – all him GIVING LOVE – and we are really bent and broken. A marriage is only fulfilled when both spouses will themselves to love (agape) the other regardless of how really “loveable” they are. And none of us are loveable. All we can do is ask for the grace for the will to love first God, then our spouse. Love is given from the will, never deserved nor only given while it is reasonable to do so.

To close back with my comments at the top, what any woman should be looking for is a man they would be willing to submit to within marriage. Not whom they might desire to in some kind of exchange, not someone they might while he is “alpha”, but one who will be worthy of the grace of the gift of submission in Christ. Most women don’t know or can’t say that is whom they really seek.

If TZ’s avatar reflects her writing, TZ is a chick. And she gets to half the issue. The other half of submission, for a man, is taking the power he has and using that to protect his family. Submission and love flow because he loves. If he is not protective, it is not seen as love.

Being nice and appeasing and letting women run amok with their wishes does not cause women to be happy. Women are less happy than they were 50 year ago. Our fear thea the power men have — being bigger, stronger, more willing to work in dirty, dangerous and disgusting jobs, and being more direct — has led to violence as an assumption that all men are violent is false. It is like saying that some women betray the vows of marriage and become sex workers means that all women are whores. The first assumption is as false as the second.

Progressive women have used violence as an excuse to change laws for 100 years. They used to blame alcohol and tried prohibition. Now we blame men and use the family courts. Both have failed. On the modern sacraments of feminism — abortion and sapphism — I will just say that the priests of Molech and priestesses of Asherah were quite familiar with both.

If we know there is evil, particularly coming from the progressive women, who see feminism as the new theology, we need to confront and oppose this. Bill Price discusses the recent conflab and PyGate and notes.

How ironic it is that a horrible event occurred after the short-sighted Mr. Noller implemented a feminist policy. Ironic, perhaps, but entirely predictable.

When you let feminists write the rules, you get something like our current family law regime, where men can only lose. It happens every time. In schools, in courtrooms, in companies, and now at tech conferences.

Jesse Noller was foolish to let wolves into the pasture. He should be held responsible for his lapse in judgment. Noller is to blame for a man taking the fall — it’s on his head.

As for the bleating sheep who voted for his proposal, I hope they are aware of the mess they created. The best way to deal with feminists is to not deal with them. Next best is to ask them to leave. The Ada Initiative should have been banned from conferences from the moment they began issuing physical threats, but instead they were given the opportunity to write the rules. How could that possibly go wrong?

Men in our culture have to learn to say no — to tell them to take a hike. It’s surprisingly easy when you get used to the idea, and you wouldn’t believe how much more pleasant things can be without them around.

Having the power, the clout, the ability to provide and protect indicates to the lizard brain in a woman that you are a worthy mate (just as being fit and young as a woman indicates to the lizard brain of a man that you are desirable). appeasement is seen as weakness. Bill’s right. THere are some women who need a good shunning.

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