On the process of the endgame.

by pukeko

Now, Barnhardt overstates things. I do not think that the reason the eurocrats decided to acquire the money in the Cypriot bank accounts was because the pope did not genuflect the right way.  But she is a financial maven, and she notes:

The final collapse of western civilization will be pegged to March 19, 2013 when all notions of personal property rights were officially extinguished.

[I cannot link to posts on her site: it comes up as one huge page going back one year. Anne, get a decent blogging platform. You do not have to use things like wordpress at their site: I self host and it works well]

But the end game is in process. For the social democratic or social welfare state, post-modern variety.

  1. These states have developed a series of dependant classes — not limited to civil servants, teachers, nurses and the military but the perpetually disadvantaged. If there was no disadvantaged minority, the invention of multiculturalism means that such a minority was imported.  The nation, therefore has 30 –40% of those who could be productive unemployed.
  2. The costs of keeping these groups happy and voting for the progressives is greater than the tax intake of society. This cannot go on. The productive class will start cutting back their work when the taxes become swingeing.
  3. Single issue groups add regulations make it harder to run a (small)  business. Big businesses have compliance divisions. Small businesses do not, and go under.
  4. As a consequence of this the production in the industrialized world shrinks.
  5. The pie is now shrinking. The government grabs more of if, because the entitlements they have promised have increased.
  6. At this point, the government is technically insolvent and denies the same. France at present, Italy, Greece, and the USA.
  7. The government tries to regulate the banking sector to ensure that they can pay the interest on the debt they owe. This is now impossible. The government has to cut: this is vehemently opposed by the plurality of interests that depend on taxpayers dollars.
  8. The currency is debased. There will be a race to devalue.
  9. The losers of that race will default. If we are fortunate, we will not have a fascist or Stalinist regime ruling as society rebuilds…. but if you read history, that is the way to bet.

This has some implications, for men and for women.

Single men avoid debt. Cut your budget. Work in jobs, for periods, and save — not in the bank, but things that you will either use (in your hobbies: I shot two rolls of film today. Great hobby. Do something similar), or trade goods that will maintain value. In particular, avoid a mortgage, and avoid student loans. Do not marry or cohabit with a women who has either. Live simply, trade money for time, and take multiple sabbaticals, enjoying the experiences these give you. If you can, learn how to build, make, maintain, manage animals, and grow a garden. Then follow the good advice of the woodpile report authors: avoid crowds.

Single women you cannot rely on the state. You need a safe career (again, minimize debt. Look for a job with a moderate income and flexibility) and you will find keeping a job harder. Therefore live cheaply, frugally, learn how to sew, mend, cook, and house-keep — because you may become a wife but you will never have a wife.

If you do want to become a wife, make a deliberate plan to find someone in your 20s.

Married men and women . You need to understand that the state apparatus is not going to help you. It will fall, and this could take down many of the schools, hospitals, and infrastructure — from sewage to safety — where you live. You need to respond.
Firstly, living traditionally but with flexibility — where one of you takes prime responsibility for home and one for providing is a safe and sane way to proceed.
Secondly, you cannot assume that you will be safe. Living in a lightly populated area with like minded people helps. Having some means of defence and training to use it will help more.
Thirdly, you need to be in one place. You cannot be a traveler, because children need stability and routine and a fixed place to live, along with the infrastructure that keeps you healthy, such as midwifery, immunizations, general practitioners and general hospitals. Keep relationships healthy with your church, your professionals, and your neighbours. If you can, buy locally and support local businesses. In good times, get quality gear that will last, minimize the mortgage (if you live in the open places, this is easier) and have enough basics in the house to survive periods of limited income. And when you give, use the church or the friendly society. You want the poor (and there will be a lot of them) at the church, not your back door.

Finally and for all… forget retirement. Your pensions will be confiscated. The currency will be debased. Good tools help: goods that can be exchanged for the new currency will help. If you are older, consider being close to your children, because travel will be too expensive to visit. Besides, you will be needed for baby sitting.

The frugal, the discreet, and the traditional will survive. Unfortunately for us all, none of those words describe any Western government.

  • ballista74

    “[I cannot link to posts on her site: it comes up as one huge page going
    back one year. Anne, get a decent blogging platform. You do not have to
    use things like wordpress at their site: I self host and it works well]”

    Seconded. There’s one or two things I’ve wanted to link to there, but her site is very unfriendly in that regard.

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