I have had some feedback that the pro mixed marriage post does not allow comments. I’ve checked: it does not, but when I try to edit the switches I cannot switch it back on.
So… time for some controversy. I will post this (and then comment, to make sure that it is working.
Some topics.
1. Feminism has peaked. The average liberal feminist is now an older, humourless, tided, judgmental shrew. Most men just want to leave them alone.
2. The obsession around race that occurs is the USA is unwise at best and heretical at worst.
3. The social welfare state is on life support, and will not sustain the retirement of the Baby Boomers. By the time I hit retirement age,, there will not be any state benefits left.
OK. Allowing for my inability to completely fix WordPress plus Disqus, this is now open.
Comments are now ON, thank goodness.
The first point, about feminisim is peaking, is from TC, which appears to still be closed. Great essay.