Nuff said.

In the last 20 or so years, I have found there are certain groups that are quite useful. They reliably get thing wrong, support causes that will actively damage or destroy society, or advocate acts which range from unethical to frankly evil.

These groups are not all of the left, but that is the way to bet. One of the most useful groups lives here. They are reliably wrong.

Opposing them demonstrates that you both understand reality and have a sound ethical sense. Cam has hit the issue with the cluebat, and his comments are worthy of further distribution. Concerning Isreal:

Never under­es­ti­mate Israel’s resolve.

What hand-wringing lib­er­als always for­get is that Hamas has as one of its core beliefs the com­plete destruc­tion if Israel. The hand-wringer idiots also for­get that bar Egypt every other Arab and Islamic nation in the region wants to utterly destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. Israel must have the resolve to sur­vive oth­er­wise they die. Noth­ing con­cen­trates resolve like the prospect of anni­hi­la­tion. As a result of this resolve they also have a world class arms indus­try because they know that there is no-one who will ever lay down their lives for them any bet­ter than them­selves. They are bet­ter armed, bet­ter sup­plied and bet­ter trained than any army in the world includ­ing the Americans.

Never think they are bluffing.

The Israelis never bluff. They tell you what they want, they expect you to com­ply and if you don’t then you get a smack. Those are the rules, they tell you up front, expect noth­ing less than what they promise.

Never think they have a sense of humour.

Israel and in par­tic­u­lar doesn’t have a sense of humour. 6 mil­lion dead at the hands of Nazis tends to do that to you. They are under no delu­sions that the world hates them and as such they are humour­less when it comes to defence of their land.Any­one or any nation that doesn’t fol­low those 3 sim­ple N-rules is going to get hurt.

via The 3 Ns of dealing with Israel | Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Gotcha!.

As the Stan would put it, “Nuff said

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