Yoga Pants and the dying elite [Rev 11]

We do not need to go far to find evidence that the times are fallen and move to a mood where we pray for the end. For those of the elite know their time is limited. You see this with Soros and his puppets: they are twenty to thirty years older than… Read More

It is what you do, not what you say.

I am sitting here with a hangover of schandenfreude. Last night the centre right party, run by a banker (of Jewish extraction) John Key, won an increased share of the vote to the point where it can govern alone: the internet mana party (funded by Kim Dot Com, of hacking and Nazi memorabilia fame) lost heavily, and the left was decimated.

Is neo reaction Christian? Is progressivism?

Well the short answer to the question "is any political or ideological movement Christian?" is quite simple. It is not. We should preach Christ crucified, and Christ alone. However, we need to be able to analyze the lies of this age. I… Read More