Press epigram

You cannot hope to bribe or twist (thank God!) the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there's no occasion to. Humbert Wolfe
. Read More

The evil of the modern pharisee.

There is nothing holy about virtue signalling. In their quest to destroy that which is structured, protective, righteous, holy and good, the modern pharisee praises the degenerate and troglodyte, calling any criticism of the Orc hate speech. They are bringing in new blasphemy laws, and calling it a phobia. Read More

Your cellphone as a ‘therapist’.

I have been aware of the use of internet based CBT, including the development of cellphone apps, for about a decade. We are now at the meta analysis stage of evaluating this technology. I would suggest any interested people read the paper, as it is… Read More

The gospel in the age of Pepe. [2 Cor 4]

We live in an age of rhetoric. Rhetoric is the use of emotion: to bypass reason and a cold-blooded consideration of the evidence to make a wise decision and instead "listen to your heart" and do what is made to feel right. The more reasoned and calm… Read More

The vexed issue of research consent.

This week's JAMA psychiatry summarises the changes in the federal US rules for consent. The US changes its rules slowly. In NZ we have an independent set of ethical review boards, who continually issue guidelines. One vexed issue is that in… Read More

Ichabod is not forever [2 Cor 3]

The glory that we will see is far greater than the glory now. The Jews meditate and discuss the glory of the LORD descending on Sinai, and inhabiting the temple. The glory has departed Israel; when the temple was sacked a child was named Ichabod, for… Read More

For Bruce, Victory.

I came home instead of going to the box today. Bruce had been told ha has months to a year remaining, and my beloved was in tears, her mother quietly angry, and me left listening. Bruce once climbed the peaks in Central. Many would say he should… Read More