Do not expect the USA to fund correct things.

It is called the evil party for a reason. May I remind everyone that abortion is not a right: it is a procedure that classical medical ethics banned from the time of Hippocrates.

Kansas has defunded that abortion factory planned parenthood: Obama, as Fuhrer, defunds them.

It’s not that the Democrats care about just allowing women to abort the children they conceive after freely choosing to have irresponsible sex. It’s that they want pro-life taxpayers to pay for it. If pro-life taxpayers don’t “share the blame” with the people having the abortions, then they need to be punished some other way. And if the punishment falls on other women seeking non-abortion health care, then that’s just too bad for them, Obama has decided.

Source: Obama administration retaliates against Kansas for defunding Planned Parenthood | WINTERY KNIGHT

Do not accept federal funds. Do not acknowledge the legitimacy of this evil regimen. Bring its downfall forward: use the ballot and the courts while you can.

And when you cannot, it will be time to leave Washington to rot in its own filth.