Converged science is no science. [Quotage]

I am quoting Bruce Charlton. He calls expedient research, where the truth is hidden by social expediency, zombie science. I suggest that suggests too much life and passion. It is converged science, it is worse than undead, entropy has won, and there is no longer any meaning
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Satieties enervate

O Atthis 
  THY soul	
Grown delicate with satieties,	
          O Atthis,	
I long for thy lips.	        5
I long for thy narrow breasts,	
Thou restless, ungathered.

Ezra Pound
. Read More

The Finnish Line.

Come on. Who can resist that pun. Life is hard: so Leningrad cowboys. The progressives do not get this. They are too materialistic.
The Hammer

From “Chicago Poems”

I HAVE seen	
The old gods go	
And the new gods come.	
Day by…
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A season not here.

April THREE spirits came to me And drew me apart To where the olive boughs Lay stripped upon the ground: Pale carnage beneath bright mist. Ezra Pound. Read More

Hermes is rotten

And all the old Gods have faded: this was a turning ago, and as this turning ends again the Gods of the age will become rotten and dank. And the name Lesbia will again refer to an island.
Lesbia GROW weary if you will, let me be sad. Use…
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Tenzone Pound.

Yes, another Ezra Pound poem: clearly the young man, but the potential was there early and then faded.
From “Contemporania”

WILL people accept them?	
              (i. e. these songs).	
As a timorous wench from a centaur	
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The converged poet.

Tagore is a precursor, and this is published over a century ago. Yes it is a translation. But his idea of dissolution, his love of death, and his hatred of order is now working itself out in the chaos of the West and ongoing hatreds in the… Read More