There is a longstanding delusion that is almost best practice. Those who are conservative, such as your humble blogger, are evil, uncaring, priggish, and condemn all. It is nice to be labelled with this accuracy. The liberals, however, are tolerant, caring, loving accepting. The socialists as the vanguard of the progressive revolution, are the most loving tolerant… excuse me there is a little thing called the Gulag and the Maoist killing fields.
For you can judge, not by words, but by consequences. Hat tip to Social Matter, who clued me onto Thermidor.
As a friend points out, of all the threats against Jewish community centers, 100% of the ones that have been resolved so far have been liberal hoaxes. And it wasn’t only The Intercept who had mocked Trump for suggesting this was happening. It was virtually the entire liberal academic-journo-pol establishment, whose acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome sends them into emotionally reactive frenzies in response to every word he speaks.
As this story perfectly rebuts multiple streams of current Liberal signalling, you can expect it to be instantly memory holed.
Also this week, conservative intellectual Charles Murray was shouted down by another mob of campus crazies. Feeling threatened by someone who, if he was once somewhat edgy, has aged into a rather tepid, mainstream, grandpa conservative. But he once wrote a good book investigating the links between race, IQ, and economic and social outcomes, so of course the witch must be burned. Absurdly designated a “Nazi”, “white supremacist”, and “white nationalist” by student protesters, Bezos’ Blog treated these claims with far more seriousness than they deserve. After forcing the speech to be cancelled, the violent mob swarmed Murray and another professor as they exited the building, injuring her.
This reaction to Charles Murray, who is anti-Trump and not a particularly controversial figure these days, yet gets labeled a “Nazi” all the same, perfectly demonstrates that the Left is unhinged. But it also shows that mainstream conservatives are foolish to think they will be spared the Left’s wrath. The “racist” incantation was revealed to have lost its potency, given its overuse and Trump’s immunity to it. A new, more intense slur was needed, and the frantic Left is already starting to dull this one. Virtually no one, not even the Richard Spencers of the world, are Nazis. Yet large segments of the Left, including ostensibly respectable commentators, have either explicitly or implicitly condoned “punching Nazis” even as the term is defined down to mean “white conservatives or people who listen to them.” Don’t bother showing up for your show trial. Defending yourself just proves your guilt.
With this being just the latest in a long string of such events on college campuses, it reveals an extremely emotionally and psychologically fragile state among students. One inculcated by a rising degree of liberal ideological uniformity on campus, and exacerbated by the media and professors assuring students the dawn of the Fourth Reich is indeed upon us. If that’s true, aren’t violent protests and shrill, reactive outbursts called for and justified?
The one thing tying these disparate stories together is desperation. The Left is a rabid animal backed into a corner. They can feel it and it isn’t just their imagination. Lashing out in every direction is what you would expect, and with few legitimate avenues to channel their rage into, they simply have to make shit up
I went to the University bookshop yesterday. Not for books: I have a sufficiency of them and I now read on a tablet, but for pencils. While there, I did browse, and there were too anti Trump (TM) books. The first was saying that the Republic had been destroned by this man from the clown car. The second said that now we have a disaster, these are the tactics to overthrow him.
More best practice. But the very laws we make for ourselves we cannot keep. And these best practices do not save us, instead they show that we are damned.
12All who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. 13For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but the doers of the law who will be justified.14When Gentiles, who do not possess the law, do instinctively what the law requires, these, though not having the law, are a law to themselves. 15They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, to which their own conscience also bears witness; and their conflicting thoughts will accuse or perhaps excuse them 16on the day when, according to my gospel, God, through Jesus Christ, will judge the secret thoughts of all.
17But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast of your relation to God 18and know his will and determine what is best because you are instructed in the law, 19and if you are sure that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth, 21you, then, that teach others, will you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? 22You that forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You that abhor idols, do you rob temples? 23You that boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? 24For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”
Why does this best practice damn us? Because it does not allow us to deal with guilt by repentance, but instead mandates projection and projective identification. These are coping styles used by the most damaged: projection is accusing others of the feeling and thought that you do not want to acknowledge in yourself, and projective identification is acting in a way that drives others to be that which you cannot stand: if you fear rejection you act in a manner to drive your beloved away and then accuse them of being uncaring.
Such people appear in my clinic in extreme distress. They are damaged. Rationality has left the building. This dates to before Nietzsche, for the German Theologians decided they needed no God when they had evolution and the enlightenment well before he started writing. He was describing the death of God, knowing that God still lived, but our best practice was a lie.
The liberals have murdered the image of God in Man, which is Christ the Lord, because He was an inconsequential nobody who stood in the way of their happiness. And now they must kill all the inconsequential nobodies who were connected to Him and will continually accuse them, the liberals, of murder. Unlike the villain in the mystery movie, the liberals will not confine their murderous rampages to those people whom they know are directly connected to the first victim, they feel compelled to kill all those whom they suspect might be connected to the first victim, even tangentially. This is why the entire white race, minus the liberals, must be eliminated. There must be none left that can stand in the way of the liberals’ multi-racial utopia, presided over by Atticus-Finch liberals. Of course such a utopia is not the vision of the colored barbarians; the colored barbarians do not want any whites, not even Atticus Finch, in their world, but the liberals have never had any connection to the stranger called ‘Reality.’ If they did, they wouldn’t be liberals.
The liberals can’t, in reality, eliminate Christ by exterminating the white race, but the liberals do not believe in the reality of the Son of God. They think He is a mind-forged creation of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic whites. So they think that they can eliminate that mind-forged evil by eliminating the white race. It seems suicidal, because are not the liberals white? Yes, in reality (there’s that irksome word again) they are white. But again, we need to emphasize that the liberals have no connection to reality; they live in an abstract fantasy world where all other whites will be destroyed while they, the illuminati, have gone beyond whiteness to … That higher state varies from liberal to liberal, but it is always a higher elevation from which they hurl thunderbolts at the hideous white race.
This is the Gnostic heresy. That we can, by some occultic or wiccan formula, make ourselves perfect. We can be at one with the Cathars, stating we are without sin. And be damned.
It is far better to choose Christ.