The rebuilding is gendered.

Two quotes. And they are gendered. Because sex matters. The first is from Sister Ame, who is having to start to teach her girls what being women and a wife is about. She is on her second marriage, and is avoiding the church, because the feminist rot is in it.

She is summarizing a study of Genesis 2, applied to women. In quiet. Because this is hate speech to the converged.

Every other creature, and the man, God formed from the dust of the earth, but the woman God created from the man.

Woman was created by God for man ~ to be a helper and a compliment to man.

  1. Woman was created by God from man.
  2. Within this, it is critical to remember and re-emphasize:

Man was not made for woman.

  1. Woman was made because God saw that the man was alone, and God decided the man needed a helper who would compliment him.
  2. Woman was created for man.
  3. Woman was not made from the dust of the earth like man and every other creature.
  4. God created the woman from the man.

From the very beginning, man and woman were created differently and for different purposes. This is the foundation of Woman.

But the converged are being ignored. The following is a comment from a couple of days ago. All men how have an inteelectual helmet. They ignore the arts. Not because they dislike poetry or music or novels or art, but because the narrative is a fantasy. That does not put food on the table.


Don’t blame me, the steel retrofit was an entrance requirement at my engineering school. You had to have a skull hard and dense enough to keep the Post-Modernism, Social Justice, relativism and Culture of Critique from turning your brains to mush and making you forget the calculus and physics and chemistry and everything else you needed to pass STEM courses.

The humanities students… pity those defenseless ones, they’re only fit for David the Good now (or will be, once the zombies infecting new generations of victims are put down).

We need to teach our children well. That the narrative will blind and destroy. That women are special creation. They are different from men and most of nature. How to ignore the lies, and how to avoid the social justice twits.

And when my sons were filling out the local government election STV votes and giving low preferences to everyone with social justice jargon in their biography, I was smiling inwardly.
