The secular convergence

Comment of the hour: today the anti haters are out because Trump took more states in the republican race than Clinton did in the democrats.

The old trope that “invoking Hitler means you have lost” seems to be one with the Hittites.

Of course Trump is Hitler.

In the Progressivist Cult, the central dogmas are democracy and equality. Thou Shalt Not Offend. Thou Shalt Not Judge. Thou Shalt Prostrate Yourself if White. Thou Shalt Not Be Intolerant. Thou Shalt Not Think Unapproved Thoughts.

There is no god, but the Priest-philosophers include all the centralizing presidents (esp. Saint Lincoln and Saint Roosevelt) and we have our Satan, too.

Hitler. Notice that Hitler is always invoked in exactly the same place Satan would be in an explicitly Christian Theocracy. Progressivism ditched God, but retained all the underlying forms of theocracy.

Democracy is the universal state, a place where every aspect of human existence is fair game for political choice and utter regimentation down to the level of belief and thought. Differences of opinion do not exist; one is either a Believer or a Heretic, and all who blaspheme are immediately labeled Hitler.

Orwell didn’t get it even half right. It’s turtles almost all the way down.

What are schools now but theological seminaries. What happens to kids who shout “Trump, Trump, Trump” at a basketball game where the opposing team is mostly Mestizo immigrants? Exorcism! Get the OUT of our children, you SATAN!

Many people say progressivism is a Christian cult. Wrong. it is antichristian, in the same way that Islam is. There is a Satan, and the hatred to the Christians (and the Jews) is marked. Both groups hate Israel and would burn synagogues. The Muslims get a pass for burning churches and low grade terror.

And they always project. As they call those who try to teach them righteousness and life and salvation haters.


John C Wright gives us a history lesson. He is correct: FDR modeled his multiple agencies on what the NSDAP was doing in Germany and the Fascists in Italy.

“There has always been an undercurrent of facism in the US that is not too far below the surface of everyday life.”
We know. It is called the Democrat Party.

The Dems were behind the Civil War and the Jim Crow laws. A Dem president segregated the armed forces. Dems are being speech codes on campus and hate speech laws. The dems believe, as the fascists in Italy and Germany did, in the welfare state, state controlled schools, land reform, and on and on.

And the full fledged Italian style fascist government-industrial syndicate came into being when Obama took over, illegally and with no color of constitutional authority, the motor car industry, the student loan industry, and the medical insurance industry.

Crony Capitalism is Democrat Party Capitalism is Fascism.

The Democrat party has been fascist for years, and now they are open about it. They even have open anti-Semites on their side (Farrakhan, call your office) and they support Islamonazis over American allies.

There, I said it.

5 thoughts on “The secular convergence

  1. The funny bit as an American is that Trump simply saw the biggest opportunity of his life and he took it. He’s stated the obvious and has confidence to stand behind it. He simply called the “bluff” of the Establishment when the electorates are in full revolt. And he’s going to be President for it.

    As long as he follows through on his major points (which we’ll see), he’ll make a fine President. We’ve, mostly, survived 8 years with the most incompetent President since the Civil War. I’ll have less of a problem voting for him than I have previous candidates.

    1. LG, agree. Trump has the advantage of not having to fundraise and thus he does not have to appease concern trolls.

      Huckabee got it correct: this is a revolt against the elite and the party that lets this happen will win. The establishment will not.

  2. You have to have self belief and the courage of your convictions to want to be president of the USA. But courage and hubris are two different things. Despite the GOP RINO’s likely pulling some legerdemain in their election procedures to keep Trump out, he’ll probably be ‘in like Flynn’. On his own money, whooping, and with more hubris than you can shake a stick at. That combination is a two-edged sword. It is reported he still owes a pile to banks for his business projects. Therefore they own him. Only a certain sector of the establishment senses ‘game over’.
    If he becomes POTUS I would hope he gets a fair go and becomes a fine president, but his hubris is more the style of a Roman emperor. Julius as Caesar is one thing, Julius as god is another. I don’t think he’s a Constantine. He worries me.

    1. Cruz is married to a banker (his wife works for Goldman Sachs). I agree he could be Caesar.

      But the better qualified people have misread the mood of Americans. They want panen circusque, forgetting that after Caesar there was Caligula and Nero.

      1. The biggest issues, immigration & the economy, are simply significant problems that effect everyone that are not being addressed by the Establishment. We’re still well away from people wanting heads on pikes, but we’re not as far away from that point as people think.

        For all of the rhetoric, the one thing everyone that support Trump “gets”, at the nonverbal level, is that the Man will actually fight for the interests of his country. We’ve gone through a long period where there’s either been subtle undercurrents or overt “not” moments, and it’s a very large issue. And of the major issues, none of them hard to address. You just have to value the position of Power beyond having the position.

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