We have a banhammer, what is this code of conduct?

DomGetter has gone onto Github, where there is huge pressure to have a code of conduct and suggested that we don’t need a code of conduct. The entire thing is worth a read. But his attitude is correct concerning concern trolls and those who would highjack conversations.

Lock, and ban your way to freedom. This is unfortunate. Try to not delete anything, or you will be accused of censorship. But you have no other choice. Do not engage. Abort, abort abort! You should really be very brief, vague, and closed off in these discussions. Say something like: “hey, this is not the place to discuss this, please reach out to each other privately or on another medium to discuss it. This group is strictly about topics relating to $YOUR_TOPIC”. End.

Or, My house, my rules. If you are rude, you are fair game. Consider this example.

This is ignorant, bullshit, and a perfect example of why Vox Day is forced to self publish.

It is actually well-informed, correct, and I don’t self-publish. Moreover, I regularly decline publishing offers from established publishers, including Big Five publishers.

Also, you’re fat.

We have the banhammer, and we can and will use it.
And I will censor, mock, ridicule trolls. And then ban them.

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