An issue of perspective and Puppies. [quotage]

One of the things that any reader here has to remember is the context in which I write. I am a New Zealander: we tend to have our biases: against the USA, France and Australia: for England (except when playing Australia or us) and Canada (except when playing Australia or us). We may speak the same language, but the country is foreign. As evidence, I give you this, from the supermarket shop today.


Yes, folks, if you really, truly want Reese’s cups cake mix in NZ you can get it. It will cost you over ten dollars a box. And it is in the foreign food aisle, next to the soy sauce and udon noodles.


So, when there are discussions on the issues within the USA and racism… it affects me as much as the price of Reece’s cups. That is not at all. I am not from the USA. I have many people I correspond with who are from there, or quote who are from there, but not all are. As Vox puts it.

Don’t make assumptions about the regulars here based on my ideology and religious faith. They’re not all Christians, much less Creationists. Most are not libertarians. A fair number are not Americans. And some don’t even play computer games or read SF/F fiction. They do, however, tend to skew much more intelligent and broadly educated than you’re probably accustomed to encountering. And I don’t expect everyone to agree with me on everything, in fact, given my oft-stated belief that most people are idiots, it would greatly concern me if they did.

This blog is written by a misanthropic grandfather who has been saved by the Grace of God. I’m reformed, conservative, cynical… and many of the people I quote are none of these things. Indeed, the Pro Photographer says I should lighten this up a bit, so Puppies.


Now for some quotage. After commenting yesterday that we are in for a change of the spirit of the age akin to that when I was in nappies, some argue that the campus protests are succeeding because the campus is now irrelevant. This, given the deaths in Paris, has some justification.

There’s good reason to look at what’s going on in America’s college campuses with incredulity, befuddlement, anger, disdain and repulsion. But what if the Leftist temper-tantrum that we’re witnessing is in fact something of a last gasp, a sudden recognition that their long-awaited nirvana is never going to come?

Deep down, they must realize that the only real career paths for the campus radical are to join some leftist organization in a professional capacity or to stay on campus and attempt to become a professor. Corporate America may pay off an agitator, but they aren’t terribly eager to hire them or give them any real responsibility. The audience for Leftist agitprop is pretty limited, while works they see as trigger-inducing right-wing propaganda, like American Sniper, finds large audiences.

Sure, Leftists have gained tighter and tighter control over the academic world over the past generation, but they’re recognizing obvious limitations on their ability to influence the culture at large from there. They police micro-aggressions while the culture grows coarser. They call for racial justice while the state of black America slips further and further into self-described crisis. They’ve fought for feminism while “Sugar Daddies” become in vogue in some circles of young women; advertising is as objectifying of women as ever, millions of women obsess over celebrities bodies, and women put 50 Shades atop the bestseller lists.

Their effort to divest from oil and natural gas companies is flopping; divestment from Israel has passed in only a handful of schools. In fact, radical leftists are taking over colleges and universities just as the higher education bubble is bursting. What’s the point of controlling the world’s most distinguished schools at the precise moment many Americans decide they’re not worth the debt to attend them?

We are facing an invasion and war. Enoch Powell is right (Will S, I agree with you). If you let the tribes admix there will be blood: even within the church if you mix tribes — and this I know personally — the assumptions of the host culture will kick you in the face, repeatedly. The Chinese are not European: in Christ indeed they are equal, but if you marry that unlike you there will be challenges: not the least being that your spouse will be told by their family you are doin’ it all wrong when you are simply doing it the way you were taught.

There is enough hatred between Germany and France. But this overshadowed by the Islamics, who consider us all cattle, there for the slaughter. When the academics do not see this — do not see that their very safe spaces fall over without those men and women who get up and do their duty every day — things fall apart. The liberal multicultural experiment is now over. If 9/11 in New York or 7/7 in London did not kill it, today in Paris surely has.

For several years now, whenever I’ve visited a college campus, I’ve tried to make the following point. It basically goes like this:

You kids think it is somehow rebellious to be liberal. So let me see if I get this right. The administrators at this school are liberal. The professors are liberal. Your high-school teachers were probably liberal. Your textbooks are, for the most part, liberal. Hollywood is liberal. The music industry is liberal. The fashion industry is liberal. Publishing is liberal. The mainstream media are liberal. Silicon Valley is liberal. Believe it or not, most corporations and the overwhelming majority of charitable foundations are liberal.

And yet, you think you’re sticking it to the man by agreeing with them?

Moreover, it’s been like this for generations. It was true when most of these administrators and faculty were born — they have grown up inside a universe where this fact was simply taken for granted. With the Left given total control of these oases of tolerance and citadels of progressivism, what do we get?

We get pampered and coddled students screaming that these institutions are hotbeds of racism, homophobia, sexism, and the rest of the 31 Flavors of Oppression.

I’m sorry, but over here by the hibachi in the parking lot, that’s just frick’n hilarious.

And it is fitting. It is just. It’s almost frick’n Biblical in its justness. You see, there is precious little bigotry and prejudice on college campuses. But the bulk of what does exist is aimed almost entirely at the guys and gals chilling at the tailgate party. Pro-life Christians, Israel-supporting Jews, libertarian professors, conservative scholars, climate-change skeptics, traditionalists of every stripe including classical liberals, and, of course, people who can take a joke: These make up the bulk of the victims of campus bigotry and prejudice. I can’t tell you how many professors I’ve met who have to keep their conservatism secret, at least until tenure, if not forever. I’ve never met or heard of a faculty member who had to keep her Marxism on the down-low.

Of course, the morons have not read their Vox. They are doubling down, and blaming those who are trying to say that this situation engenders violence are to shut up. That we should be gagged, and be pushed aside: progress must continue and the liberal project remain. It is deemed too big to fail. They pull out fantasies to blame the victims before the blood on the ground has even dried.

These are implicit threats and overtures to violence as racial authoritarian fascists are a clear and present danger to democracy and freedom. Thus, they must be eliminated by any means necessary.

Other critics of the student activists at Yale University and Missouri such as The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf have even made the absurd claim that so-called “safe spaces” are being “weaponized” by student activists in order to deny free speech.

Terrorism has been practiced in the United States. It was used by a Herrenvolk white settler society built upon the genocide of First Nations peoples and the enslavement of African-Americans to control, intimidate, and murder non-whites. The decades of Jim and Jane Crow white supremacy were also a form of State-sponsored terrorism as well. Political violence continues in the present where in too many of America’s communities, police and other security forces kill with impunity, force the black and brown poor into a state of “custodial citizenship”, and act in a thuggish and illegal way towards the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

Black Lives Matter stands against such violence. The student protesters at Yale and Missouri who are fighting for fairness and justice stand against violence. Liberals and progressives as a matter of principle, a belief in the Common Good, and a humane society stand against violence.

The Liberals are like the puppies I saw today. Yapping around, being cute: but without protection they would become snacks. For they are dependant, and the predators exist [1].


The liberal experiment has failed. Do not be them, and do not be like them.

1. Yes, that is one of my cats. Masses about three times the Maltese Chihuahua puppies we saw. And left. Because that cat is the second best hunter of the four that own the house.

3 thoughts on “An issue of perspective and Puppies. [quotage]

    1. They were $690 each. I am not quite that cruel, the cats take out rats that size: and I would rather buy a playstation for that money.

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