Troll the projection of the left.

The left is not a project of the working class. It is a project of the wealthy, the well connected, and the aristocratic. They left the Tory party years ago. They consider that the world should run to their tune, regardless. And Harry Mount is correct, they are reactionary.

Reactionary, but never satisfied.

Corbyn’s victory was the triumph the grand old reactionaries of north London have been waiting a generation for. But they weren’t happy; they were as angry and full of bile as ever.

The scene took me right back to my childhood in Islington in the 1970s. My neighbours in the queue outside the Forum had posher voices than you hear at Annabel’s. The smart greybeards from the £2 million villas of Kentish Town and Islington were joined by a new generation of under-thirties: white, university-educated, also with upmarket voices. And how they lapped up the tide of anger pouring from the stage. The comedian Arthur Smith celebrated the day Margaret Thatcher died, to cheers from the audience, and quoted Jack Dee — ‘The Russians, they knew how to treat the royal family.’ He went on to describe the traditional Tory fire drill in a crowded building — ‘Run for the door and trample over everyone else.’

Brian Eno, formerly of Roxy Music, mixed sanctimony with unpleasantness. He told us how he started writing left-wing protest letters decades ago because so few people write them, ‘unless they’re nutters from the right’. Does he ever read the Guardian letters page? Eno argued that Corbyn’s victory wasn’t enough. The left had to keep on fighting for the cause — something they don’t naturally tend to do, because they’re ‘nice’ and aren’t ‘permanently bitter’…

Permanently bitter sounds correct. The left are not nice, they are bilious. They lie, and (more fools) believe the lies.

With regard to Hillary Clinton, you have her coterie of hacks piping up about how having classified material on your computer is no big deal and how everybody does it and blah blah blah. And in response, battalions of us who actually worked with classified material responded with truth – that anyone not useful to the Obama administration would be in an orange jumpsuit in about two seconds after doing one one-thousandth of what HRC indisputably did.

Damn that internet and its ability to allow the truth to get past the Democrat steno pool that is the mainstream media! No wonder Hillary is making a central plank of her platform changing the Constitution to allow her to make it a crime to be critical of her. As a result of all this freedom of speech, her favorability ratings are plummeting. Clearly it must be stopped; it’s so serious that the Democrats are starting to think Joe Biden is the answer to their problems.

But we aren’t going to stop. Conservatives released the videos of the butchers at Planned Parenthood doing exactly what we knew they were doing and the liberals freaked out. They particularly freaked out because Carly Fiorina used a CNN debate watched by 23 million Americans to talk about these sick, savage, baby-dismembering sociopaths. And their response was simply to lie – “None of the videos actually showed Planned Parenthood dismembering babies and selling off the parts!” Interestingly, their supporting argument is, “But there would be nothing wrong with Planned Parenthood dismembering babies and selling off the parts!”

Liberals count on people not actually watching the videos, and the MSM has cooperated by pretending that the revelation that an organization subsidized by taxpayers to the tune of $500 million is dismembering babies and selling off the parts is a non-story and not reporting it. But thanks to alternative media, we conservatives can direct normal citizens to the key clips. (Note: As of three days after the debate, the front page of Carly’s poorly designed website does not have a link to the video clips she cited in her devastating debate soliloquy. As a CEO, this is where you start demanding your staff get off their rears and start performing.)

Liberals have only lies and a complicit media. We have the truth and we now have the tools to fight for it. Every one of us – on social media, in personal interactions – needs to stop nodding along and start raising our voice. Troll them back with the truth.

Remember: the left are SJW
SJW always lie.
SJW always project.