But what is our duty to our brother?

Let us just accept that our society is effete. The liberals are at their peak, or a bit beyond, and they are starting to implode. When one sees them defending the followers of a pedophile and murderer, after he is (correctly and rightly) mocked, then you know the time is getting close for collapse, reformation or, far worse, the world becoming run by a the Islamists, with the intellectuals as shock troops.

As if this is not common among those who feel but do not think, and call that analysis.

If you had read further before launching your accusations, the usual procedure in work intended to be serious, you would have discovered that I also reviewed the substantial evidence about the very sincere intentions of Japanese fascists while they were devastating China, Hitler in the Sudetenland and Poland, etc. There is at least as much reason to suppose that they were sincere as Clinton was when he bombed al-Shifa. Much more so in fact. Therefore, if you believe what you are saying, you should be justifying their actions as well. I also reviewed other cases, pointing out that professing benign intentions is the norm for those who carry out atrocities and crimes, perhaps sincerely – and surely more plausibly than in this case. And that only the most abject apologists justify the actions on the grounds that perpetrators are adopting the normal stance of criminals.

Well, what can we do? Firstly we should not be silenced. There are considerable, institutionalized, injustice within the current system. We have been fed pretty lies, and followed them to disaster and destruction. And we have to warn others to not do as we did then, but to reform themselves.

I’m saying we, who were once participants in that system, cannot–at some arbitrary deadline–abandon them without bringing our guilt upon ourselves. Said another way: We can’t abandon our brothers for the same crimes we committed without dishonoring ourselves. It’s the deadline that’s the problem. Every man here crossed such a deadline in their own lives before they woke up. There was a moment when what you had been seeing and accepting for years suddenly did not make sense.

You have a love of technology that makes you want to put it in terms of tools (Internet, Google, etc.); so that if you believe the proper tools exist, then you’re free to merely scoff at the fools who don’t use them and then abandon them. Even from a technologist perspective that is stupid because then the tools remain unused. Instead, you should direct that man to the tools. I’m speaking of something greater than a system of deserts; both for men and for technology.

What I’m saying is that while you seem to believe that men pedestalize women because they are ignorant, the truth is much worse: They pedestalize because they like to do so. The nerds want to build females, and they won’t be satisfied an AI is female until it’s female enough to cause them problems; the same problems that you believe automation will solve. If AI is the future, then the future is betas being oppressed by female robots that they enable. We cannot set a deadline if we want to pull any future betas out of the machine.

One of the problems in the current age was hinted at by Hearthie. Women are different. They are not more righteous: the reason why men pedestalize them is because women think differently and (at times far more sneakily). Women play power games with each other: I have seen female only groups and generally want to leave them the hell alone. It reminds me of the games jealous schoolgirls played on my sisters when we were at high school: destroying the confidence one had in this talent, or the appearance of others. (In NZ, we have school uniforms, but I saw tears before breakfast on “mufti” ie. no uniform days).

Scripture understands this. Scripture commends men to love their wives, because our eyes may stray and we tend to withdraw, particularly when women go full zombie. Women are commanded to submit to their husbands and obey, for it is there where they are more challenged.

The idea that men should pander to the wishes of women is not only unbiblical, it is foolish. Appeasing the fluctuating feelings brings confusion and then contempt. Being consistent and striving at all times, knowing that we are imperfect, to hold a frame and being consistent gives a sense of security.

But men are no longer taught how to do this. Our society is effete, and the masculine is devalued. Many men are walking away, but that does not lead to a fruitful life.

MGTOWs are eating the seed corn of civilization. Their fun will be great while it lasts, but they are only thinking of themselves and really assume no judgment past the ones they face in this life.

Though I would have more scorn for those who are hostile about those who disagree, just as I have scorn for militant atheist idiots.

Where would be as a society if most potential entrepreneurs looked at the risks and just played it safe? Life would be much worth off. Yet many would say we should scorn those who try and fail. Kind of ironic like Apple getting attacked by the very SJWs they support. Or Occupy Wall Street people complaining about big business on their iPhones.

Loving each other as celibate brothers and sisters has risks: marriage in this age, when the spirit of the age actively opposes any law of nature and any teaching of the church, is doubly risky. Agreed.

But there are our children, and a younger generation. To them we owe a duty: to teach, to warn, to advise.

Moreover, there is a second duty. The spirit of this age stands against the right and true and noble. It is against marriage for it is all of these things. There is a diabolical rejoicing when a marriage implodes. We are at war, and there will be casualties. Those who bring a brother and sister into a state of grace do a good thing. The damage of our actions and the damage of those who opposed us will remain, but there is comfort and healing within the true Church.

The false church, however, will throw us to the gutter, either as a slattern or as insufficient righteousness to lead any women. This false church sees women either as fallen and damned or angels: and both lies will cause our sisters damage, for they remove from them any sense of moral agency.

Better that we encourage each other to keep their vows and do their duties in marriage, and chaste remain without. Yes, that will make us look odd. That will get us accused of being overly controlling or having some form of social deficit. But living that way will show an alternative to our sisters who have no sense of sin, and our brothers who are told they are nothing but evil.