This morning I am going to quote extensively from a bit of Satire. And i can hear some of the audience groaning. Because yes, I am going to discuss why female leadership of the Kirk is a bad idea, and why our current morality is destructive, and yes, I am going to tie it into scripture. I am quoting the satire because it elaborates on the scripture.
So to the Satire. The aim of the author is to get women earning as much as men. He is sacrificing to the idol of equality. He has worked out that jobs pay the same to women and men, but that women make different choices than men, and (since, as a good feminist, men are always at fault) men have to change. He has some suggestions.
If you haven’t already spoken with your pastor about this, be sure to remind him of the importance of giving moral cover to women who divorce and/or have children out of wedlock. Whenever possible, religious leaders need to refer to single mothers as “heroic”, and suggest that they should be treated as widows. In addition, pastors and other religious leaders need to abolish the outdated and dangerous concept of headship. If young men are allowed to see husbands as the head of the household, they will have an incentive to focus on preparing for marriage instead of mastering their skills at picking up women. As I have shown, men who focus on marriage are creating our gender earnings gap by working too hard and producing too much. To solve this problem, pastors should simply ignore the parts of the Bible and Christian tradition teaching headship and submission. In addition to ignoring Christian teaching on headship, religious leaders should also work to teach Christian men that headship is really a form of abuse. Instead of traditional headship, religious leaders should teach Christian husbands that their proper role is to submit to their wives. They should also teach wives that threats of divorce are a powerful and appropriate way to grasp power in their marriages. The movie Fireproof and the accompanying book The Love Dare are excellent teaching tools in this area, but we need to make sure that the message is continually driven home.

Let’s review. At present, the grounds for divorce are that one party wants one. Licit or illicit reasons are immaterial. In my view there are three reasons for divorce, and the third I doubt: Adultery on behalf of the woman or man: Abandonment of provision on the part of the man (yes, men have a duty to provide for their wives. And to lead) and the third is to protect children from abuse and neglect — and this is the one that I have most doubts about, because abuse and neglect can be anything from violence that kills children to raising one’s voice. There is a difference between these things, but our society chooses not to judge.
And the lesson from the church is Thyatira is that tolerating these kinds of errors is going to lead you into deep trouble. It will lead the followers of this hedonistic Gnosticism (You can be very, very spiritual and religious and still quite morally corrupt, particularly if you are told that your actions to not matter, because of the deep spiritual truth you are approaching) they will suffer.
Of course to the Jezebels of this age, sitting in their talk shows, feeding comforting lies that allow people to remain in error is a feature. If they become depressed, dependant, unfit and frankly ill that is even better, because they are now more dependant. It is as if these modern Jezebels would blind all, so that the myopic can lead.
“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: ‘The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.
“‘I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works. But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden. Only hold fast what you have until I come. The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
(Revelation 2:18-29 ESV)
We need to be clear on this. It is how we act that preaches, and how we act that influences others. We need to be in obedience with Christ. This goes against our nature and desires. Our society understands this when it comes to our bodies: the local woman’s magazine (read while waiting for lunch)had “100 tips to be thin” from 100 starlets, all talking about diet and exercise, but it does not accept that we need to discipline ourselves in other areas.
Because (unlike the memes out there) work is hard. It is a struggle: at times men’s duty goes beyond work and into war, which is a struggle that can kill you. Men will work themselves into the grave if they see it is their duty.
But the modern Jezebels, saying from their sick bed that they are well and healthy, have to subvert that: back to the satire, which bites far too close to the truth.
No Fault Divorce is a potent tool not only to convert husbands into child support payers, but to weaken the status of husbands within marriage. By continuing our national policy of No Fault Divorce those young men who don’t witness their fathers being evicted from the home will see that their father can only remain in the household so long as he caters to their mother. By continuing with this policy we send a powerful message to young men that being a husband is low status and not something to aspire to. This message is reinforced every time a young man sees his own father or the father of a peer evicted from the home and treated harshly by our family courts.We need to remind our family court judges that the work they are doing in destroying marriage is a multi-generational effort. While judges can’t immediately see the positive social results each time they reduce a husband and father to impoverished child support payer, with each man they crush they are sending a powerful message to future generations of men. Family court judges are the true heroes of our efforts to destroy marriage, and they must continue investing in generational progress. Even in cases where the father is not married to the mother, family court judges are crucial to erasing the incentives for men to earn more than women. Unlike marriage which creates an incentive for men to work as hard as possible, child support is a structure which discourages productivity by assigning men an earnings quota (imputed income) and threatening them with imprisonment if they fail to meet this quota.
Family court judges and even legislators may be tempted to see harsh penalties against men for not meeting earnings quotas as working against the goal of reducing men’s earnings, but since the earnings quotas are assigned based on each man’s past earnings over time this creates a culture where men learn that productivity is punished. The point to remember is the goal is to change the culture so that men no longer perceive an incentive to work harder. Just like with the Soviet Union, a quota system will (and already has) greatly reduce men’s perceptions of the importance of working as hard as possible.
We now have two agendas, from the male point of view. One is that of state and Jezebel, and the other is that of the Kirk, and the two are not the same. Please note that Jezebel is religious, will call herself Christian, but worships the state in all its forms, and the idols and public religion of the state, be they ecology, equality or Aphrodite.
The agenda of Jezebel is:
- Make men sexless (unless SJW desirable to women). This is done by increasing the penalties for harassment while decreasing the threshold: by penalizing even those men who are in protected classes (gays, Muslims) for being sexually active (the current moral outrage about teenage women having sex while drunk, and the accusations that there are homosexual rings predating teenage boys in the UK). If you ascribe to the liberal viewpoint in its entirety and you are devastatingly handsome you will be rewarded with a fading beauty: consider Brad Pitt and George Clooney. But the rest of us are told we are creeps and we should go away. Oh, and the use of pornography is also seen as a disqualifier to any relationship.
- Make Marriage Short, and child support long. However, men have a duty to marry in this system: they must be attractive to women, but all women are defined as attractive. The marriage, however, must only last long enough to produce 2.1 children: when wife is unhappy she must leave to fulfill her destiny as a spiritual being. In this system, marriage is a phase, entered in your thirties, and lasting just long enough to breed, so the wife can again practice idolatory and sexual immorality (Eat, Pray, Love is more accurate than one thinks because the idolatry (in Hinduism) is overt). The man’s fate is to pay for the children and not see them: and if he chooses not to buy into this he is scorned by all Jezebels.
- Call loneliness a spiritual stage of growth. The teaching of these people is that you should be independent. Women, in particular, are encouraged to travel, to have new experiences, to live alone, to keep on dating as if a teenager into the retirement home, and to depend on the state alone. They are told that it is perfectly acceptable to grieve for the children they have not have, because nature is flawed, and it is more important that they continue to grow spiritually than they have to deal with the human messiness of families. Many of these women are unhappy, but that is now defined as a medical problem, and they are given SSRIs along with their statin and aspirin. And they are advised by their friends to get a small dog, or, perhaps, a couple of cats.
This leaves women unhappy. It leaves men finding a new monastery. And children become something rare. It is also completely umbilical.
Now, in these fallen times the Kirk should preach what it has always preached.
- Godly singleness is holy, righteous, and honourable
- Those who burn with lust should marry. One another. Early. For life.
- Those who marry should have lots and lots of sex. There is one time you give consent for sex, and that is when you wed. Unless you have health issues or you both have agreed for a time to be abstinent for prayer, if one indicates “how about it” the only correct response is “Yep”. That means one of you will be having more sex than they want, and that is not a bad thing.
- Widows should, unless old, remarry. Because they will continue to burn with lust. The issue of those frivorced by unbelievers has always been problematic. Some say that they should wait and pray for their spouse to return, but if she has left despite the elders pleading her to return, then, remarry and have lots and lots of… with a new man. Do not fall into living in a quasi marriage.
And the family courts should be kept far away from everything. Divorce should be rare and shameful. For divorce damages. The question is not does the state want to subvert the church. It does, as it wants to subvert marriage. The question is if the church will return to the older teaching and subvert the works of the Jezebels of this age, and every age.
When I eventually found testimonies about this spell caster prophet.chasus, how he helped many people to get their lover back, i contacted him through his email address [email protected] because I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with prophet.chasus, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did It’s fantastic what prophet.chasus have done for me. his help is priceless! I don’t know what I would have done without he, does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on him when it comes to love spell, I was floored that his spells worked Thanks!
Marie, you were in the spam filter. You would have remained in the spam filter as well, apart from the fact that you have managed to produce a perfect example of what I was talking about this morning.
Chasus is not a prophet. There is more to life than romance. Grown up.