Chamber music and why SJWs are not to be imitated.

Less weekend reading and quotage this weekend because I have been at a chamber music camp, and have got home somewhat exhausted, but reminded of the beauty thar remains within that most maligned culture, that of the West. Including this symphony: we only played the first movement in the concert.

However, the winds of change continue. One of the tutors told me to be a heck of a lot more assertive, arrogant even. Which in most of life is unsafe. But it is useful to have some swagger when playing in a quartet.

Regardless of how much the Socail Justice Warriors hate our culture and hate swagger. The Northern man has soem truth to impart about the meaning of social Justice warrior.

At this point, I’m going to make a small aside on the term Social Justice Warrior (SJW), as Luke McKinney is not the only one I’ve seen commenting on how SJW sounds awesome. SJW is a term of pointed mockery. The mockery comes exactly from the fact that SJW’s are the farthest things possible from warriors. Fatties who revel in their obesity, feminists that go into conniptions when its pointed out that sluttery and tattoos go hand in hand, women that become physically ill from words, people who try to ban trashtalk from games because it hurts their feewings, and psychologically ill perverts who can not tell fantasy from reality are as unlike warriors as is humanely possible. Using the term social justice warrior simply points out, in an ironic fashion, the pathetic weakness of the SJW’s (on an individual level; as a screaming, anonymous lynch mob they do have some social power).

The SJW are not examples of how to live: they are frequently socially inept, unhealthy, unfit and without power, unless they claim victim status. Which I find annoying, for victims should be protected and helped to recover, not activists.

Modern feminism fits Orwell’s succinct definition of nationalism—“power-hunger tempered by self-deception.”
These feminists have prioritized the interest of women over those of men, children, and society. More than that, they seek to control men, children, and society in order to advance those interests. These feminists obsessively view everything through their narrative of victimization, and many of their beliefs are hypocritical, changing whenever it suits them.

In their minds, men are essentially bad, women are essentially good, and when conflicts arise between a man and a woman, the modern feminist can only take pleasure from the woman winning some advantage over the man. Contrary to their rhetoric, feminists have sought to advance the interests of women not through genuine equality, but by any means necessary.

So what should we do? Do not be them, nor be like them

  • Be fit. Have endurance, and if male, be physically strong. Lean body mass is good for you, protects joints as you age, and weight matters less than waist size.
  • Be plain. Do not use euphemisms or post modern jargon. Say what you mean. This will entail you thinking before you speak, and seeking clarity in brevity.
  • Be faithful. Do what you are ordered to: what you have vowed to complete: push through difficulties, accepting that there is a risk of defeat but without endurance there is no chance of victory.
  • Learn from failure and defeat. It is a harsh schoolmaster, but if one can correct the errors one has made, there is a chance to revisit and win. Do not blame others, be responsible for yourself,

In short be an adult. The elite of this world want us as their children, and use SJWs as the moral equivalent of playground bullies. They wish to usurp that responsibility given by God to our parents, the elders in our church, and the church itself and claim it all for them. But that hunger for power, that over reach, will be their undoing.

For they cannot replace our fathers, our mothers, our beloved, our spouse. Without make us less than human. And that we should never be.