Prayers, not snark.

This is going to be very brief. One of the folks who hangs around the tradosphere and has for some time has commented:

Can you maybe tell people not to send me vicious hate e-mail wishing me ill? I never doxxed SSM, I did not work in cahoots with Lena/Laura/Matt Forney to attack SSM, I am not a member of Freejinger, and I am not a Wiccan/Satanists/Neo-Pagan/Jesus-hater/whatever other bizarre lies I’m being accused of.

I’m struggling with life-threatening liver failure right now (MTX and
Cyclosporine have taken their toll) and I don’t need Christians telling me they’re praying for my disease to worsen. That’s evil. & also kinda weird

I have just been on the phone to my Mum, who is going to the funeral of a Second Cousin’s husband (Mum has 27 first cousins, and this man was married to one she has been best friends with all her life). I am aware of other people who are hurting deeply and have sick relatives right now.

Now, Butterfly Flower, some years ago, got into a buchaton of fights with other members of the Ladysphere. While she was ill. Very ill. She is now extremely ill. And I think we should all pray for her.

As for comments, I suggest that if someone is sick or vulnerable it is important that a trusted friend or spouse (who should be trustworthy: you have given him or her your life, fortune and sacred honour) needs to screen emails and posts.

Firstly, switch the automatic systems on. I recommend Spamassassin: other places use Bogofilter. That should take care of most of the penis enlargement emails that seen to plague female inboxes: (I get the enlarge your breasts variety).

Secondly, go into your mail system and blacklist anyone who has been hateful. Unfriend, unfollow, and ensure that any email from that IP address is banned as well.

Thirdly, whitelist those who you trust because…

Fourthly, set up a word trap. This will not stop comment spam or spambots, but it stops abuse.


Finally, a word to some people who think they have a right to comment anywhere without being censored. You do not. In my country (and many others) the blog owner is responsible for all the content of the blog, including what others say. This is why at times comments disappear.

I have a low taste for snark. I have no time for haters. There is a difference: it is called wit.

6 thoughts on “Prayers, not snark.

  1. I am very sorry about your second cousin’s husband. I will pray for your family.

    “Now, Butterfly Flower, some years ago, got into a buchaton of fights
    with other members of the Ladysphere. While she was ill.[…]”

    Well, not intentionally. I just wasn’t liked (by certain folks on the blogosphere) for dating a Protestant man. But I’m a happily married Protestant now, and the new Pope is, dare I say, Protestant-y. (Not trying to sound like a troll, but he’s the sort-of Pope that makes Trad-Catholics quake in their boots) God can have a funny sense of humor sometimes.

    I’m emotionally capable of handling the hatemail. I’m just, well, baffled by it. I’m quite superstitious so the idea of people directly wishing me ill, makes me wanna light candles. Throw salt. Light more candles. Scare off their negative energy.

    Perhaps I just spend to much time on the Japanese websphere. You never get hatemail from Japanese people. Just hard to decipher possible passive-aggressive. They may or may not be furious at you, but they still admire your recipes. Or not, that might be a backhanded compliment. Or maybe they aren’t mad at all. The vagueness is infuriating, yet oddly relieving.

    1. I agree with Mundabor on this. The current Pope is more likely to be stupid than evil. Mundabor thinks it might be divine punishment on an unfaithful church.

      And he could be right. However, I do not think it is only our Roman friends who have been unfaithful.


      I have only spent a few days in Japan, and that was Osaka. However, the overwhelming impression was that the entire culture was from a completely different base — and I’m quite comfortable in Singapore and Hong Kong.

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