Post Mardi Gras Wreckage Quotage with Rotten Herring.

This collection of various bits of pointed prose is named in honour of Matt and the other manospherians who tried to party in New Orleans when it was about to snow. Which should never happen in the deep South.

A couple of days ago we were discussing transgender athlets and liberal stupidity. I found some pictures of female athletes and was told they were unfeminine. Well, this is the ladyboy who wants to compete as a girl. I not sure if I should thank SSM or ask her for some mind bleach.

Memo to those who want to be not what they are — tattoos give the wrong message — they are either blokey, trampy or both. Just another unintended consequence.

Rather than ending suffering, when I look at the rise of the welfare state and the dissolution of the intact family, I see women’s suffrage as leading to nothing but misery, but that is probably because somehow I missed this particular indoctrination session as a child.  I must have been sent out to play or something, but plenty of parents probably just glanced at the TV while this School House Rock video was on and thought to themselves, “Oh, it’s those nice grammar videos!  How educational!” and went about their business, little realizing that their children were being fed a big helping of revisionist feminist history about female “suffering” along with their Sugar Smacks.

Of course, now that governmental schools are little leftist indoctrination camps, feminists needn’t rely on Saturday morning cartoons to propagandize your children.

Well, yeah.



It looks like all of NZ is going to be hit with a tropical storm this weekend. If the power goes out… it will be fun. We can be fed, though… I have to harvest the potatoes anyway. It should miss me. By about 200 km.

10:35am Friday 14 Mar 2014

The approach of Cyclone Lusi

Cyclone Lusi has moved out of the tropics and is now approaching northern New Zealand.

RSMC Wellington has now taken over regional responsibility for monitoring Lusi, currently a Category 2 tropical cyclone lying about 800 kilometres north of Cape Reinga. Lusi’s speed of movement is about 35 kilometres per hour, and on its current track is expected to pass just to the northwest of North Cape around midday Saturday.

“Even though Lusi has shown some signs of weakening, it is still a significant tropical system,” Media and Communications Meteorologist Dan Corbett commented, “and one that still has the potential for severe weather.
MetService has already been monitoring this system for several days, and there are severe weather watches and warnings for a number of North and South Island places. “As this low passes by the far North, a period of heavy rain and easterly gales is likely from Northland to Gisborne,” Corbett went on to say. “The upper South Island is also likely to see substantial rainfall from late Saturday into Sunday.” Rainfall in Christchurch will be from an easterly direction, and amounts will be modest by warning standards.

MetService will continue to refer to Tropical Cyclone Lusi as ‘Cyclone Lusi’ in its land-based warnings, even though it has begun a change in structure that will eventually lead to the system no longer being defined as a tropical cyclone. “We will refer to this system as ‘Cyclone Lusi’ until it has moved east of the South Island, or weakened significantly.This will give better clarity for the media and wider public, including how we refer to the system in our Severe Weather Warnings and Watches etc,” said Ramon Oosterkamp, Manager Public Weather Services.

Late Sunday or early Monday, Lusi is then expected to slide across the South Island, before moving out into the open waters east of Canterbury. Large waves and storm surges may be an issue along eastern shores from Northland to the Bay of Plenty, reaching Wairarapa and Marlborough on Sunday.

The relevant site is Metservice, but they do not link blog posts.

And, to finish up the wreckage, something that Will sent…


  1. Wiless said:


    March 14, 2014
  2. Wiless said:

    I hope transgendered athletes ends up destroying professional sports and the Olympics, as well as clashing with feminism.

    March 14, 2014
    • chrisgale said:

      The Olympics is corrupt. Even the winter games, which sued to be fun to watch, even the curling.
      This culture is ruining almost everything it touches.

      March 14, 2014
      • Wiless said:

        May it burn.

        March 14, 2014

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