There are liberals basically shitting on the altar. In all the churches, in all denominations. One of the reasons they hate, hate, hate the more new churches such as Hillsong is that they do not have the committees to subvert. Yet. When those churches try to communicate with their brethren across the divide you run into problems.
For people have written graffiti all over the temple. So before we go into some examples and reasons for this, and an example of collaborating bastards from the Gospel (for the Sadducee faction was aligned with the elite, preached an existential law, and died when the temple and priesthood they had subverted were destroyed by Titus: what we now call the Talmud was written by the then opposition, the Pharisees, who Jesus himself noted sat of the seat of Moses)
1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”
2 Our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem — built as a city that is bound firmly together.
4 To it the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD,
as was decreed for Israel, to give thanks to the name of the LORD.
5 For there the thrones for judgment were set up, the thrones of the house of David.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.
7 Peace be within your walls, and security within your towers.”
8 For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say, “Peace be within you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your good.
Now for the first example, from the Catholic Church, and Ann, who notes that this order in her youth were doing works of charity, but now they are courageous, lesbian, and running a multi-million dollar health system.
The SCLHS is a perfect example of this. First, they want the billion-dollar gravy train to keep flowing and so they will support the Marxist regime to the very end, because the thought of them actually cutting into their TEN-FIGURE portfolio to actually, you know, PAY for healthcare for the poor in a Christ-like spirit of true charity is utterly beyond their comprehension. Are we surprised, given that they approve of killing innocent babies?
Second, since the SCLHS is almost entirely comprised of lesbians, they WANT the Church to schism and they want to form an “American Catholic Church” that will ratify and celebrate their psychosexual perversions, ordain them as priestesses, and then let those “priestesses” MARRY and engage in sodomite acts. They need statist intervention in order to make this happen, and that is EXACTLY what they are getting. The Obama regime has declared war on the Bride of Christ, and is erecting the frame of the “Revolutionary church”.
So, at the end of the day, it is all about the love of money, and perverted sex.
Finally, one more time, CHARITY and COERCION are absolutely, totally, completely 100% MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. The moment that even the slightest HINT of coercion enters into the picture, charity is DESTROYED. Gone. Adios.
Love (caritas) MUST be freely given. It HAS to be a free choice of the giver. Putting the gun and jackboot of the IRS to people’s heads and necks BY DEFINITION exterminates charity. Apparently, every jackass bishop in the Western World today is either too stupid or too Marxist to comprehend or acknowledge this utterly fundamental truth.
ANY bishop who crows on and on and waxes philosophical about the state’s NECESSARY role in healthcare, care of the poor or care of the elderly is a heretical jackass who needs to sit down, shut up, beg God’s forgiveness for being a Marxist jackass, and then beg the Holy Spirit for a modicum of intelligence and understanding of simple, obvious truths.
Christ charged THE CHURCH with caring for the sick, poor and elderly – IN CHARITY, meaning that the Church FREELY GIVES, beginning with the FREELY GIVEN tithes of the individual faithful, and then FREELY GIVEN by the Church itself to the poor, sick and elderly.
This system worked beautifully up until 50 years ago, when the Marxist-homosexualists took over. Not only did it work, but there was even enough money to build BEAUTIFUL churches. Now the Church pays for none of these things out of its own coffers, and instead money is spent on building butt-ugly churches. There is a relatively new parish here in the Denver metro area for which the rectory – that is the priest’s house – cost $800,000. Apparently this priest felt that he “deserved” to be rewarded with an $800,000 pad. Meanwhile, at the Latin Mass parish I attend, the priests live in a small, old house, and donate their $13,000 per year salaries back to the parish. That’s telling, don’t you think?
Yes, Ann, it is. I am suspicious of places where the churches cost too much, and the housing of the clergy is powerful and great: I have seen how this affects a budget. It’s one of the reasons I consider that (on my side of the Tiber) the minister should be a teaching elder, and most ministers should be part-time and work.
Not because we cannot afford to pay the salaries.
But because the money is better used in not paying mortgages. Not used for bricks and mortar. And I support my church.
But I don’t support Presbyterian Support Services, and I am Presbyterian. They are a business, touting for health contracts. They have become a client of the state, and what the state pays for, the state controls. We would be better to pay taxes to our rulers and get some autonomy back.
Otherwise, we will be as compromised as the Sadducee were.
23The same day some Sadducees came to him, saying there is no resurrection; and they asked him a question, saying, 24“Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies childless, his brother shall marry the widow, and raise up children for his brother.’ 25Now there were seven brothers among us; the first married, and died childless, leaving the widow to his brother. 26The second did the same, so also the third, down to the seventh. 27Last of all, the woman herself died. 28In the resurrection, then, whose wife of the seven will she be? For all of them had married her.”
29Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. 30For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. 31And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God, 32‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is God not of the dead, but of the living.” 33And when the crowd heard it, they were astounded at his teaching.
What is the implications of this? How does this all work? How do the liberals take over the church and despoil it, as the graffiti artists “decorated” a fairly nice bit of Aussie street architecture?
We know how. It is by controlling the committees and writing the policies. The real question is why. Here Bill Price has an analysis: not a new analysis, for what he calls Paternalism or the “Big Man” style of politics is ancient. It is the way of the Imperium: keep the forms of democracy but regulate the power away.
This is a form of envy. People seek the crown, without seeing the burden. Bill uses Obama as an example of how the Paternalism of the big man works: I see a drone, a placeholder, thinking he can enjoy the rewards of power (pomp and golf in his case) without the responsibility. Bush, for all his faults, met with the families of the fallen. This President, to my knowledge, does not.
American politicians have been hard at work doing just that for decades. To increase revenue and political support, they have promoted and passed laws that shatter the concept of the patriarchal family. A few examples include preferential maternal custody, decriminalization of adultery, introducing no-fault divorce and preferential welfare to single mothers. Gay marriage, which is essentially a formal declaration that the government does not recognize patriarchy as valid or supported by any law or policy at all, is the latest example.
When patriarchy is smashed, as it has been in the United States, we are left only with primitive paternalism. We have local bosses, corporate titans, and a “benevolent” paternalist at the helm of our country. Perhaps it is fitting that the son of an academic feminist is the current president of the US. He is more a product of paternalism than any other president. I think it’s the only system he really knows and understands, despite his tragic efforts to assign some purpose and meaning to his relationship with his father (efforts I understand myself).
So, what we’re really facing today is not matriarchy, but an increasingly despotic paternalism, in which men’s autonomy and authority is being steadily eroded in the interests of those in power. Our intimate relationships, our conditions of employment, and taxes all conspire to subjugate us to the powerful, who are working steadily to remove any checks on their own power and challenges to their authority. Almost every government-led initiative, whether it be population replacement through immigration, women’s “empowerment,” or highway checkpoints leads in this direction.
Will it ever end? Only when out-competed by another system that works better. It is the nature of power and government to preserve itself, and as long as there is no credible opposition it will not change. You may ask, “where’s the opposition?” The phrase “there’s a lot of ruin in a nation” has become common these days, and maybe there is some grounds for pessimism. But then again, look at who’s in charge and where things are headed. Our president is creating a destabilized, weaker United States, and this is an enormous country. It requires a lot of working parts to hold a country together, and that isn’t even taking foreign affairs into consideration. With a growing and belligerent China, an increasingly assertive Russia, and a Latin American pope who clearly doesn’t have much regard for the US, there will be plenty of challenges ahead.
The signs point to an increasingly factious era, in which allegiances will be strained and challenges mounted to authority. In all such situations, it pays to have a few good men on one’s side, and this is the hope we have for reform: challengers who offer a better deal to men will have an advantage. Politicians and businesses that treat men as slaves will find themselves abandoned by their male constituents, and although under the contemporary enforced equality system they may think this is OK, they’ll find out that this is not how things work. Personally, I think we’ve already begun to enter this era, but it may take a few years before it really shows.
In the meanwhile, as men, we should hold out not for “equality” with women, which will never, ever, turn out equal, but a more desirable system of democratic patriarchy, in which all men are afforded equal rights to independence in their own homes and affairs and freedom from arbitrary paternalism.
Within the Church each family is a temple, a congregation. We are to pray for the peace of families. If we had that structure, we would be able to give to others. But when the system encourages people to leave, to break those bonds within families, then we are not merely spraying graffiti on the temple, but destroying lives.
Our society is doing that. Our society is lying to itself, thinking that it is promoting freedom while using regulation to enslave us. Our society will perish. The church should not be part of this: the only correct response to a zombie culture is not be a part of the living dead.
So do not ask permission from some Boss or Big Man. Live as the word says, and do not ask the permission of any committee to clear up the shite that (the very same committee, all to frequently) has strewn.
SSM has written of similar things today. This comment from Okrahead sums up her thesis: if we are of Satan, we will devolve or descend.
It is interesting that Mizz Barker (there’s a dog joke in there somewhere) of the nekkid Mormon womynz, wanted to emphasize that not only does she not belong to a man or a culture, but that she (and her models(?)) do NOT belong to God. I think this is really the crux of the matter, and I doubt she understands the full implication of her statement.
I’m not really up on Mormon theology (maybe someone else can help me on this point?), but in any type of Orthodox Christianity (by which I mean Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant, and basically anyone who accepts the Nicene Creed) we all belong to either God or Satan. If we belong to God then He makes us over in His image (the ultimate makeover); Satan does likewise for those who belong to him. It’s not so much a devolution as a descent.
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