Spring has arrived this morning. It was eighteen degrees by noon, and to celebrate I am in shorts and barefoot. After Kirk we drove to a cafe, and got the first seeds for the spring planting of vegetables. The frost hardy things can go in now: we may…
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I open up webpages this morning to see what is going on in this world of ours... and srart swearing. Firstly Sunshine Mary enlightened us on Freaky Friday about transgender breast feeding. Then I look in the Herald and find again that they have gone to the most Liberal Presbyterians and Anglicans Read More
I have moved my production boxen to Debian testing. I was using Ubuntu (Xubuntu to be exact) but I have ongoing issues with the direction that Canonical is going. I do not like the cloud -- the situation with Dotcom has made me realize that any…
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I think I memorized "I am the bread of life" at Sunday School. I was very young. I did not bother my head with things like food, or theology. Food appeared from the kitchen. I guess I understand that meat came from animals because pigeon was on the…
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Firstly, the Zipster is talking about a series of modern moralists who are trying to recruit Aquinas by saying he said which he did not. That is a significant issue for Catholics, as they should be Thomists -- it is a coherent theological system.
But exactly the same problem occurs with Protestants.Read More
One of the duties of the church is to feed the poor. We are commanded to give drinks to our enemies, to provide them with food and shelter. To accept that we will be ripped off. We do this because it brigns glory to God. Now, this is one of the…
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