Blogroll and admin.

I’m back to using two antispam tools — bad behaviour and antispam bee. This means that trackbacks are functionally disabled: looking at my logs most of the spam caught now is trackback links. I have changed commenting to Disqus, which should allow people to comment more freely.

I’ve added Christian Men’s Defense Network to the blogroll under politics. This site is more of an effort for believers in how to deal with the current toxic family court system.

Captain Capitalism links to me as “The last Christian Standing”. He has left the church and comforts himself with clear eyed misanthropy, and fairly accurate ability to analyze a society in decline, his hobbies and his liquor of choice. He is under politics…  as is Zero Hedge and Cameron Slater (Whaleoil). I disagree with Cam’s every second post, but he is the best exponent of guerrilla blogging in New Zealand.

I have added Mr & Mrs Darwin to Nutraditionalism because there is not place in the blog for “Catholic Amish”. Very serious catholic couple, with good reproductions of Giotto as well. From the English, Bruce Carlton is in — one of the most thoughtful medical Anglicans I have read. He has two daughter blogs — excerpts from his book on political correctness and commentaries on Tolkien’s work.  Both are worthwhile, but linked to from his site.

(Blogger seems to move all .com addresses to as I am not based in the USA. I have manually made all the links .com in the blogroll. I think Google is intelligent enough to deal with this).

This brings me to Throne and Altar. This is a worthwhile site, but is now archived. Bonald is contributing to the Orthosphere. I’m going to take Throne and Altar down from the blogroll, but I do recommend you keep it bookmarked.

Finally, I’ve added Theology Geek NZ. This takes essays from various Kiwi Christian Bloggers and puts them in one place.

Have a blessed Easter, everyone.


  • http://htt::// chrisgale

    This is a test. I am in the process of checking that everyone who comments frequently is whitelisted on Disqus, at both dark brightness and shattered light.

  • Butterfly Flower

         “This brings me to Throne and Altar. This is a worthwhile site, but is now archived”

    Don’t you find Bonald’s blog a little too, err….fascist? I’m half-Italian, I have a high threshold for fascism; however reinstating monarchies is where I draw the line. I even felt uncomfortable with the ending of Sailor Moon [the Moon Kingdom conquers Earth, creating a magical crystal utopia]

    PS: Happy Easter!

    PS PS: I’ll be taking a break from the blogosphere, I’m leaving for college.

    • http://htt::// chrisgale

       Oh he makes the fascists seem like raving socialists. He is an old fashioned royalist.

      And best wishes for College. May your be blessed there. We are in mid semseter break over Easter here.

      • Will S.

        Hooray for the Japanese Royal Family!  Hooray for Sailor Moon’s monarchist tendencies.

        Hooray for [autoredacted] types leaving commenting to focus on academia.

        Though I’ll believe it when I witness one’s word actually being kept, in that matter, unlike all the other times.

        Hey, be nice. BF is finally fit enough to go to Uni. Which is great. I assume it is Japan, given the dates

  • Brent

    Thank you for the link!  I’ve returned the favor. 

    BTW, I also attend a Presbyterian church.  When I read that King Charles II said, “Presbyterianism is no religion for a gentleman,” I thought, “This sounds like the church for me!”


    Christian Men’s Defense Network

    • http://htt::// chrisgale

       I did not know of that quote from Charles II. But it’s great!!

      He has risen indeed

  • Brent

    I should also point out, if I may, that the purpose of CMD-N is a bit more to educate the Christian community and to serve as a place of education and healing for Christian men who have had their families destroyed by our wicked culture.

  • elusive wapiti

    “Have a blessed Easter, everyone.”  You the same. He is risen!