Rant of the week.

May 22, 2010 in Daybook by pukeko

Fernidad at In Mala Fide is in good form. Under the Rant, he is making some good points about interfacing with the cultures in the Middle East, and on the need for humour.

I believe Jesus was G_d incarnate. A man who enjoyed wine, respected the feelings and dignity of both men and women. And enjoyed jokes. Dipping crucifixes in urine, in my view, is a nice bit of iconoclasm: the symbol is not to be worshiped. The Muhammadan shows his idolatry when he protests about people abusing the Koran, or breaking some verbal ruling made five centuries ago.

To the neocon retards who cheered on two pointless wars on for the better part of a decade – I laugh at you. You ignoramuses thought you could bring democracy and capitalism to a bunch of barbarians who’ve been trapped in amber since the Mongols sacked Baghdad? You thought you could turn a bunch of primitives who wipe their asses with their left hands into mindless middle America Walmart-goers in the span of less than a generation? You are the stupidest group of war hawks to infest a body politic since Athens invaded Sicily, and the blood of every soldier who has died in Iraq and Afghanistan is on YOUR hands.

And to anyone who thinks this post is too extreme – wake up and smell the coffee. If a talentless loser can take a picture of a crucifix – an image of the central figure of our civilization’s founding religion – submerged in urine and get taxpayer dollars for it, I can draw a picture of Muhammad (a prophet of a FOREIGN religion) having sex with a camel and post it to my blog.

Max is right. The Muslim savages who have declared themselves our enemies are cunts. Pussies. Chickenshits. Their culture is not worth emulating, their traditions are not worth respecting, and their demands are not worth honoring. The irony is that in rioting and making death threats over the depiction of Muhammad, the ragheads have proven just how weak and pathetic their god is. If Allah is so thin-skinned he cannot tolerate visual depictions of his chosen prophet, he is not worthy to claim sovereignty over humanity. The only thing more loathsome than a cowardly man is a cowardly god.

via In Mala Fide.

Oh, and the language… is designed to be offensive. The picture was crude and offensive. If we do not defend offensive speech, there is no free speech: and free speech is essential for the truth to prosper, and virtue to be rewarded, in the marketplace.