Film Soup, cellphones, killing Flickr, and some digital photos.

Apparently Yahoo are selling people’s photos from Flickr. This is annoying: I do not mind sharing — in fact I would donate photos to good causes. But I don’t like people taking. As a result, I’m backing everything up to Smugmug and Dropbox, and letting the flickr account die. The only good thing in Flickr is the cellphone app — and Instagram does a better job of that.

I understand that this is in part because most people take photos on cellphones. The newest phones sensors are approaching 18 MP — in a very small area: ironically a bigger pixel count that some high ISO sensor full frame cameras. And for snapshots, a camera works. But not for everything. These were taken using a full frame camera with a Nikkor 35 mm f 2.0 lens: apart from some fringing they have merely been converted. One of them is not mine — it should be obvious as the person who borrowed the camera is a professional.

The other important local news for photographers is that Film Soup’s kickstarter is in the final hours and that one should support it. With the amount of film being generated (I have to send another lot off) the jobo machine that is used will need replacing, and that will cost $8,500: she has around $3,700 at present. Reatha is the best film processor I have worked with and a thoroughly nice lady to boot. If you are a local support her: if you are not, five bucks will get you a cool patch.

Finally, the links have been updated to ensure Film Soup is there (it should have been) and to remove the sites I am not using to backup, instead linking to SmugMug.

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