The Friend Zone.

From, of all places, a thread about JK Rowling confessing that she screwed up the Romance parts of Harry Potter.
The friend zone is absolutely not a myth. The only part of it that is a myth is that there is any way to avoid it in the first…
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The weekly admin and links post.

Before we get into the admin, can everyone pray for SSM and her family: they are mourning at present. I have added Amos and Gromar, Return of Queens and Return of Kings to the linkage, making a new category -- the dark enlightenment. I will… Read More

Game, wrath, grace.

Well, this part of scripture -- around our salvation -- continues today, and the text flows from yesterday and the day before. As oart of that I am going to try to expand on the issue of grace and salvation, and how the theologians have… Read More