Truth snatched from the Borg.

Scott has a good discussion up on the Borg[1]. He is correct, the Left want total control, for if an alternative exists they fear people will choose it. Correctly, for the world of the progressive is one of lies, hatred and death.

Hear me out on this. Last night, we heard the usual buzz words and phrases of “inclusiveness,” “we just need to listen to each other,” and “dialogue.”
You, with your constitutional agreeableness and good faith (which I LOVE about you, by the way) remind me of Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football. You will run toward the football with great speed, and you will fall for it, again. Here’s why.
When the left uses those phrases, they are code for “agree with us. Say things we give you permission to say. Believe and think things we tell you are appropriate.”
And EVERY TIME you show up to one of these “dialogues” you lose something–a gun right, a speech right, a property right, a parental right, and a big chunk of the “America” you thought you grew up with falls into the abyss.
When you bring your concerns of wanting to raise your kids the way you were raised, keep your earnings, worship God the way you want to, or preserve whatever is left of this society, those concerns are dismissed as invalid, you are called intolerant bigots, and you cower in fear and give concessions.
They are not going to carve out space for us. They are not going to gain total control and then announce, “traditional types, we have heard your concerns. You may go over to this part of the country and homeschool your kids, teach them about Jesus, have your guns and your private property and we will leave you alone.”
For it is not just your ideas or beliefs that are problematic for them–your VERY EXISTENCE is. There is a deep totalitarian instinct on the left, and will never go away.
You have been losing this ground for 50 years. What does that tell you?

Then his wife put this up, a day or so later.[2]

“Ladies, obedience means exactly what it sounds like. Don’t like his judgment? Try to reason and discuss, but once the decision is made, dutifully comply and try to do it with a smile on your face. That’s what a help meet does. If there is something you are confused about regarding this, or you feel there is some extremely sinful stuff your husband wants you to do, come see me.

Guys– you are in charge. You will be held accountable for everything that goes on under your roof one day, but you have the authority to make that work. If you find it difficult to make a decision in a particular instance, come see me. We will discern what is the right thing to do, together.

Now go, enjoy each other’s company. Love each other like there’s no tomorrow and make babies.”

I wish my husband, and all Christian husbands would hear this from their leaders. Just once.

The second quote has one flaw: and that is that the priest (or pastor), having heard the wife’s concern, needs to then talk to her about how she acts with a clear conscience…. and then may need to meet with the husband. He needs to respect the hierarchy within the family, for otherwise there will be a split between what the pastor says and the husband.
This is made worse when many false pastors will say to the wife precisely what she wants to hear: that she can submit while getting her own way: that submission is a game where she makes the rules, and can call a time out.

Marital submission is not that. It is all in. It is praying that your husband will be led by God, and modifying your behaviour to seek God, even if he does not change.

For there is but one truth in psychology: you cannot change another. You can only change yourself. The denial of the elite, thinking that one can wait for the other to change is a lie.

1. The Borg is Facebook. I don’t link to Facebook, as I don’t want the Zuckerborg zampolits getting traffic, or banning my friends. Nor should you.
2. Edited so her name does not appear. She is writing a mock homily, to be given in a church.

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