Wednesday is male self hatred day.

Wednesday is white Ribbon day, and the social worker was putting up the various flyers for this year. Men are supposed to hate themselves, reform, and pledge not to harm any woman regardless.

It makes me want to find a buncha women and the self hating eunuchs that enable them and be violent.

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The ritual of self-hatred is endemic in the feminized system we have.

I was appalled (but not surprised) to read this article at from a mother of four sons who describes a PC bullying assembly that her sons were exposed to at school:

Last week three of my four boys were herded into school-sponsored assemblies and asked to stand, raise their hands and pledge to never, ever hurt a woman. While their female classmates remained seated, my boys faced intense pressure to say:

I promise To never ever Hit, hurt, or otherwise harm A woman, girl, or child.

I understand That I am bigger and stronger Than many women, girls, and children.

Therefore it is my DUTY To NEVER HARM them,

Protect, Respect, Honor, and Love them No matter what.

Aghast, my 17-year-old son walked out. Less than two hours later, he went to choir practice, where he and his classmates practiced a parody of “Cell Block Tango” from the musical “Chicago” that features the “six merry murderesses of Cook County Jail” singing about killing their lovers.

Good for her 17-year-old son, but where were the other sons and every man and boy in that school? They should have walked out with him. Or stood and protested. Boys’ lives matter. The schools need to learn that lesson. If it takes all boys being taken out of PC public and private schools, so be it.

Moreover, the equal relationships they talk about do not work. Do not work. A woman in an equal relationship becomes snarky and contemptuous. But that is red pill speaking. That is hate speech. And if one teaches as the church has taught for centuries, that is double hate speech.

Because that may honour men and not see them as demonic. And it means women are never confronted with their own violence, their own hatred, their own depravity, and walk in a cloud of false spirituality to their damnation.

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The authors’ frequently point out that in dealing with a fool, they have strongholds of arrogance that can only be truly broken by their own admittance of their depravity. Like Kathy, they will sometimes concede that they’ve “been mean” or “I’ve acted rudely,” however, behind those shallow words, there is no real depth of meaning, no true understanding the degree of their heart’s sin – and therefore, no real chance for experiencing godly change.

Paul talks about believers experiencing godly shame and sadness that is crucial to the believer understanding their need for change, however, the fool, even with their shallow acknowledgments of their missing the mark, avoids this reality.

For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death. 2 Corinthians 7:10

It often can take years or decades of a fool pressing on in their life and relationships, causing pain and heartache in their family or children’s lives, before they even slightly begin to see themselves as they truly are.

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The white feather was the mark of the coward. The white ribbon is the mark of assent to being removed from any serious conversation or any rights in relationships because you are male.

It is worn by fools and cowards on behalf of the elite. Do not be part of this.

Keep your man card. Keep your woman card. Boycott this campaign.

2 thoughts on “Wednesday is male self hatred day.

  1. I’ve never even HEARD of this campaign.

    It is an Australian and New Zealand thing. I think it came from the UK, and I think it is in Canada.

    From the website.

    The White Ribbon campaign in New Zealand is a meld of the White Ribbon Day movement in Canada and the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is celebrated on 25 November each year.

    The campaign has activities throughout the calendar year with an increased focus in November. White Ribbon is driven by a campaign team and community groups in towns and cities throughout New Zealand, while events and activities are increasingly supported by businesses, cultural groups, sporting teams, local government and a wide range of community and government agencies.

    Astroturfed social progression, sponsored by the state.

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